Maintenance and safety
If the heating option is installed (CC8):
Coolant level can only be checked when
the Webasto heating / air-conditioning
system CC8 is switched off, i.e. the
2/3-position switch must be in the neutral
1. The system must be installed in accord-
ance with the installation and service man-
2. If the vehicle height specified in the ve-
hicle's licensing documents is exceeded
by installation of the roof-top air-condition-
ing system, this must be legalized by an
official acceptance inspection in accord-
ance with Section 19 of the German Road
Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO).
3. If faults develop in the refrigerant circuit,
the system must be tested and repaired by
an authorized specialist repairshop. Under
no circumstances may refrigerant be dis-
charged into the atmosphere (refer to Sec-
Roof-top Air-conditioning System CC4E, CC5 and CC8
tion 8 of the regulation dated 6 May 1991
banning CFCs and halones).
4. Installation, maintenance, repair and all
work on the refrigerant circuit may only be
carried out by specialist personnel in an
authorized repairshop. Such work may
only be undertaken with the engine off and
the power supply switched off. The battery
must be disconnected before starting any
work on the electrical wiring.
5. Protective clothing and goggles must be
worn when handling refrigerant.
6. Refrigerant may be lost even without
leaks in the system and regardless of the
system's period of operation. Relatively
large refrigerant losses within a short
space of time, however, always indicate
that there may be a leak in the system.
7. Only the materials, special tools and
accessories listed in the installation and
service manual may be used for mainte-
nance work on the air-conditioning circuit.
8. Like all vehicle components, the air-con-
ditioning system is exposed to continuous
stress. The specified maintenance work
must be carried out regularly in order to
ensure troublefree operation of the system
and avoid damage to the components.
9. Proper handling of the system and a
complete record of the completion of
scheduled maintenance are a basic re-
quirement for acceptance of possible war-
ranty claims on components subject to
10. Regardless of the timetable in the in-
stallation and service manual, all fastening
points and the connections of the refriger-
ant lines must be checked within four
weeks of operating the roof-top air-condi-
tioning system for the first time to ensure
that they are secure.
11. Even if the air-conditioning system is
not in use, individual components may be-
come worn due to normal ageing or stress
caused by vehicle operation. All scheduled
maintenance and service inspections list-
ed in the installation and service manual
must therefore be carried out regardless of
the system's hours of operation.