BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer Instructions for Use
USB Port Unlock
Scan the USB Port Unlock barcode supplied with the Analyzer to enable download of test results to a computer. The port only remains
unlocked for the current power cycle.
Data Download to a PC
The BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer stores a data record of every test performed on a secured drive. Accessing the data requires:
Installation of an optional BD Veritor™ barcode reader equipped module (see section 2.6 and 2.7)
Access to the USB Port Unlock Barcode, included with the Analyzer
A USB cable (USB-A to micro-B) (included with the BD Veritor™ barcode reader equipped Modules)
A PC with an available USB 2.0 port (not included)
After installation of a BD Veritor™ barcode reader equipped module, results can be accessed by:
Place the BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer on a flat, dry, stable surface.
Ensure that the BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer is not in direct sunlight or exposed to a bright light.
Check the BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer for an inserted device. If a device is present, remove it from the Analyzer.
Press the front panel power button. The BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer will complete a self-test before it is ready for use.
When the display window reads SCAN CONFIG BARCODE, scan the USB Unlock Barcode. If the drive has been successfully
unlocked, the display window will read USB PORT UNLOCKED.
Connect the BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer to a PC by plugging the micro-B connector into the USB port of the BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzer
and the A plug into a free USB port on the PC. The on-board memory will be associated as "BD Analyzer" with two unused drive letters
on the attached PC; only one drive is accessible. Using a file utility such as Microsoft
to the PC. This file may be opened in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft
is read-only and cannot be modified. Also note that all records are reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
After the secured drive is unlocked, it will remain unlocked until the power is turned off. To access the drive again, the
unlock barcode scan procedure must be repeated. Users should take care to cycle power immediately after completing
the data download process to prevent unauthorized access.
Explorer, copy the file RECORD.CSV
Excel or in a text editor. Note that the on-board drive