Step 3: Replacing Burner
Orifices in Rangetop
1. Use a 7mm -or- 9/32" socket with 1/4" driver &
extension to reach down through the venturi and
remove the Natural Gas orifice from the burner's jet
2. Replace each Star
burner jet orifice with one of the
1.15mm, LP jets supplied in the kit. These are sized for
the Star
Burners to produce 15,000 BTU/hr. [4.39 kW]
flow rate using Propane (LP) Gas.
Five (5) orifices are stamped "115" (1.15mm orifice
diameter), as shown. One (1) orifice is stamped
"125" (1.25mm orifice diameter).
3. Replace the orifice for the burner at the right-front
location with the 1.25mm LP jet supplied with the kit. It
is sized to produce 18,000 BTU/hr [5.27kW] using
Propane (LP) Gas.
DO NOT install the 1.25mm LP orifice at any other burner
location than the right-front position.
4. Perform a brief gas leakage test of each orifice and
associated supply tube fittings, per the "Check for Gas
Leaks" section of these instructions. Proper access to
the burner's jet holder can be accomplished after main
top removal — see following section "Accessing the
Gas Regulator" for instructions on how to remove the
main top and shields.
English 7