Controls and Operational Features
Power Switch and Power Indicator: After input
power is connected and the power switch is turned
on, the indicator will light up to indicate the machine
is ready to weld.
Thermal Overload Indicator: This lamp will light up
when the machine is overheated and the output has
been turned off. Leave the machine on to allow the
internal components to cool, when the lamp turns off
normal operation is possible.
Welding Voltage Changing Switches: POWERTEC
280C has 2 switches (2 and 10 steps). The
POWERTEC 350C and 420C have 2 switches (3
and 10 steps).
Torch Mode Switch: It enables selection of 2-step
or 4-step torch mode. The functionality of 2T/4T
mode is shown in the picture below:
Trigger pressed
Trigger released
A. Welding Current.
B. Burnback time.
G. Gas.
Cold Inch / Gas Purge Switch: This switch enables
wire feeding or gas flow without turning on output
Wire Feed Slow Run Control Knob: It enables
control of wire feeding speed before welding
beginning, in the range from 0.5 to1.0 of the value
set by the "Wire Feed Speed Control Knob" [7].
WFS (Wire Feed Speed) Control Knob: It enables
continuous control of wire feeding speed in the
range from 1.0 to 20m/min with manual mode or
correction of the speed automatically matched by
the machine in the range ±25% at synergic mode.
EURO Socket: For connecting welding torch.
Burnback Time Control Knob: It enables to obtain
the desired length of electrode wire, which protrudes
from the tip of the torch after ending welding;
adjusting range from 8 to 250ms.
10. Output Socket with High Inductance: For
connecting the return welding cable.
11. Output Socket with Low Inductance: For connecting
the return welding cable.
12. Change Polarity Terminal Strip: It enables welding
voltage polarity selection (+/-), which will be given at
the welding torch (factory default: "+" at the welding
If necessary changing of welding voltage, you
Switch off the machine and disconnect it from
mains supply network.
Take off the terminal strip cover.
Place the connectors according to the below
Put on the terminal strip cover.
13. Display A: It shows the actual welding current value
(in A), and after finishing welding process, it shows
the average value of the welding current for about
5s. After this time, the display shows the value of
adjusted WFS (in m/min) - for manual mode or
correction of the speed automatically matched by
the machine, in the range 0.75-1.25 at synergic
14. Display V: It shows the actual value of welding
voltage (in V), and after finishing welding process, it
shows the average value of welding voltage for 5s.
After this time, the display is blank.
15. Work Indicators: These lamps shows the work
mode of the machine:
When lit, the machine works in
Synergic mode (automatic mode).
When lit, the machine works in Manual