Performance Tests and Calibration
[e] Set both calibrator and multimeter to internal reference.
To perform the measurement, connect the K-type thermocouple extension (with miniature thermocouple connector on both ends) between
the calibrator's TC output and multimeter via a TC-to-banana adapter
Allow at least 1 hour for the multimeter to stabilize before measurements are taken.
The error limit does not include the error contributed by the thermocouple extension. To eliminate the thermocouple error, compensation of
the calibrator output through a reference thermometer is recommended.
Ensure that the ambient temperature is stable within ± 1°C. Make sure that the multimeter is placed in a controlled environment for at least 1
hour. Keep the multimeter away from any ventilation exit. Do not touch the thermocouple test lead after connecting it to the calibrator. Allow
the connection to stabilize for at least another 15 minutes before performing the measurement.
Only available in U1242B.
[g] With a 2-wire connection and compensation enabled at calibrator.
Keysight U1241B and U1242B User's and Service Guide