Gessi 39802 Manual De Mantenimiento página 14

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seguono la direzione della finitura e non trasversalmente alla stessa.
Dove l'acqua è stata usata come mezzo di pulizia o risciacquo, specialmente nelle aree con notevole presenza
di calcare, bisogna immediatamente asciugare la superficie per prevenire la comparsa di nuove macchie. L'uso
dell'acqua deionizzata impedirà la formazione di calcare.
Per evitare contaminazioni causate da particelle di ferro, bisogna assicurarsi che gli utensili per la pulizia scelti
non siano stati usati precedentemente su acciaio al carbonio. I materiali per la pulizia dei manufatti di acciaio
inossidabile devono, infatti, essere esclusivamente riservati a questo scopo.
La pulizia deve essere fatta prima che si crei un eccessivo accumulo di sporco o di impronte, in modo tale che
lo sforzo e il costo della pulizia, nonché il rischio di scalfire o alterare l'aspetto della superficie, vengano ridotti
al minimo.
Cleaning and Maintenance of Stainless Steel surfaces
Mortar and cement splashes can be treated with a solution containing a small amount of phosphoric acid. Rinse
with water (preferably deionised water) and dry. Deionised water reduces the risk of water staining marks.
Proprietary products are available from specialists finishing companies. Never allow mortar removers or diluted
hydrochloric acid to be used on stainless steel. If they have accidentally been applied to or spilt over the stainless
steel, rinse generously with fresh water.
- Brushed finishes, which are a popular choice for interiors, may show finger marks in the period immediately after
installation, but the visibility of the marking should become less evident after the first few cleaning operations.
- To remove fingerprints and other marks, soapy water or a mild detergent are usually safe and successful.
- Mirror-polished stainless steel can be cleaned with glass cleansers. These products should be selected
- Scouring powers should not be used as these products can leave permanent scratches on stainless steel
- Alternatively, use a proprietary stainless steel cleaner containing phosphoric acid to remove contamination,
rinse with deionised water and dry. It is advisable that the entire surface of the component is treated so that a
patchy appearance is avoided.
- Cleaners that should NOT be used on stainless steels include:
• chloride-containing cleansers, especially those containing hydrochloric acid,
• hypochlorite bleaches should not be used on stainless steels; if applied accidentally or spilt on stainless steel
surfaces, should be rinsed off immediately with liberal amounts of fresh water,
• silver-cleaners must not be used on stainless steel
A damp cloth or chamois leather will usually be suitable for removing normal soiling, fingerprints, etc.
For more stubborn dirt, nylon pads are usually satisfactory.
Non-stainless steel based scouring pads, cleaning wool or wire brushes must not be used on stainless steel.
Apart from scratching the surface, these pads can leave carbon steel deposits on the stainless surface, which
can subsequently develop into rust spots, if the surface becomes wet.
On "grained" directional finishes, the direction of cleaning strokes should be along the grain and not across it.
Where water has been used for cleaning or rinsing, wiping the surface dry to prevent watermarks, especially
in hard water areas may be advisable. The use of deionised water will prevent the formation of hard water
To avoid "cross-contamination" from iron particles, ensure that cleaning utensils have not been used for
"ordinary" (i.e. carbon) steel before. Cleaning materials for use on stainless steel items should preferably be
reserved exclusively for that purpose.
Cleaning should be done before there is a visible build up of soiling or finger-marking, so that the effort and cost
of cleaning is minimised along with the risk of marking or altering the appearance of the surfaces.
Nettoyage et entretien de les surfaces en l'acier inoxydable
On pourra éliminer les taches de ciment au moyen d'une solution contenant une petite quantité d'acide
phosphorique. Ce traitement sera suivi d'un rinçage abondant à l'eau (eau déminéralisée de préférence) et d'un
séchage. L'emploi d'eau déminéralisée réduit le risque de voir apparaître des traces. On pourra se procurer les
produits auprès d'entreprises spécialisées dans les produits de traitement de surface. On ne doit jamais utiliser
avec l'acier inoxydable des produits contenant de l'acide chlorhydrique (HCl), même dilué. Si par mégarde
c'était le cas, il faut rincer abondamment à l'eau.
- Sur les finitions en mat, qui sont souvent choisies pour les intérieurs, des traces de doigts peuvent apparaître
durant la période suivant immédiatement l'installation, mais celles-ci disparaîtront progressivement après
quelques nettoyages.