Atthispoint, r emove theDecorative B oltonbottom on
refrigerator housing fromthe leftsideof refrigerator
(Fig.24).Youwill need thisholefortheBottom Hinge.
• Move theBottom Hinge totheleftsideofhousing k eeping
thesame orientation, andreattach w ith3 bolts(Fig.25).
Nowmove Decorative Bolttoholeonlower right s ide
of housing.
• Turn refrigerator doorupside down ona non-scratching
• Withdoorupside down, l oosen the2 screws andremove t he
Door C loser/Stop (Fig. 2 6),thenloosen theother t woscrews
toremove t hebottom Hinge PinInsert B racket withHinge
PinInsert ( seeFig.27).
_ ! '_
Door Closer/Stop
Fig. 27
Pin Bracket
Hinge Pin
• Take out the Hinge Pin Insert and move
the Bracket to the other side of the door,
keeping the same orientation (Fig. 28).
• Place Hinge Pin Insert into the left side
of the bracket. Tighten Hinge Pin Bracket
to door (Fig. 28).
Fig. 28
Pin Bracket
Pin Insert
Take Door Closer/stop and flip (see Fig. 29).
Line up screw holes and mount on left side
of door bottom with the two screws. Turn
door upright. It is now ready for re-attaching.
Fig. 29
• With flat-head screwdriver, carefully pry
off and remove the cover over the screw
holes on the left side of refrigerator
housing (Fig. 30).
Fig. 30