Craftsman 247.282820 Manual Del Operador página 3

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

This symbolpoints outimportantsafety instruc-
tionswhich, if not followed,couldendangerthe
personalsafetyand/or propertyof yourselfand
others.Readand follow all instructionsin this
manualbeforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto
complywith these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.When
yousee this symbol,HEEDITSWARNING!
Your Responsibility: Restrictthe useof this powermachineto
personswhoread,understand,and followthe warningsand instruc-
tions inthis manualand on the machine.
This machinewas built to be operatedaccordingto the rulesfor
safe operationin this manual.As with anytype of powerequip-
ment,carelessness or error on the part of the operatorcan result
in seriousinjury.This machineis capableof amputatinghandsand
feet and throwingobjects. Failuretoobservethe followingsafety
instructionscould resultin seriousinjuryor death.
EngineExhaust,someof its constituents,and certain vehicle
[ componentscontainor emit chemicalsknownto Stateof California
[to causecancerand birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharm.
Tragicaccidentscan occur if operator is not alert to presenceof
children.Childrenare often attractedto outdoor powerequipment.
Theydo not understandthe dangers. Neverassumethat children will
remainwhereyou last sawthem.
Keepchildren out of the work areaand underwatchfulcareof a
responsibleadult otherthanthe operator.
Be alert andturn dethatcheroff if a child entersthe area.
Beforeandwhile movingbackwards,look behindanddown for small
Useextremecare when approachingblind corners,doorways,shrubs,
trees, or otherobjectsthat may obscureyourvisionof a childwho may
run into the dethatcher.
Keepchildren awayfrom hot or runningengines.They can suffer
burnsfrom a hot muffler.
Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatethe dethatcher.
Children14years old and overshouldread and understandoperation
instructionsand safetyrulesin this manualand shouldbe trainedand
supervisedbyan adult.
Readthis operator'smanualcarefullyin its entirety beforeattempt-
ing to assemblethis machine.Read,understand,andfollow all
instructionson the machineand inthe manual(s)beforeoperation.
Be completelyfamiliarwiththe controlsand the properuse of this
machinebeforeoperatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe placefor
futureand regularreferenceand for orderingreplacementparts.
Be familiarwithall controls andtheir properoperation.Know howto
stop the machineanddisengagethem quickly.
Do not start enginewith bladesengaged.
This machineis a precision pieceof powerequipment,not a plaything.
Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times.Your unit has been
designedto performonejob: to dethatchgrass. Do not use it forany
Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatethis machine.
Children14years old and overshouldread and understandthe
instructionsin this manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedbya
Onlyresponsibleindividualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe
operationshouldbe allowedto usethis machine.
Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used.
Removeall stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys andotherforeign objects
whichcould be tripped overor picked up andthrown bythe det-
hatcher'sblades.Thrownobjectscan causeserious personalinjury.
Tohelp avoid bladecontact injury,stay in operatorzonebehind bail
and keepchildren,bystanders,helpers,andpets at least75 feet from
dethatcherwhile it is inoperation.Stop machineif anyoneentersarea.
Alwayswear safetyglasses or safetygogglesduringoperationand
whileperformingan adjustmentor repairto protectyour eyes.Thrown
objectswhichricochet can causeseriousinjury to the eyes.
Wear sturdy,rough-soledworkshoesand close-fittingslacksand
shirts.Shirts andpantsthat coverthe armsand legs andsteel-toed
shoesare recommended.Neveroperatethis machinein shorts, bare
feet,sandals,slippery or lightweight (e.g. canvas)shoes.
Do not put handsor feet near or underbladehousing as blades
protrudebelow bottomof housing. Contactwith bladecan amputate
handsand feet. Keephandsand feetwayfrom all rotatingparts.
Injury canoccur if the dethatcheris pulledoverthe foot duringa fall
causedby slipping or tripping.Do not hold on to the dethatcherif you
arefalling; releasethe bail immediately.
Neverpullthe dethatcherbacktowardyou whileyou arewalking. If
you mustback the dethatcherawayfrom a wall or obstructionfirst look
down andbehind to avoid trippingandthen followthesesteps:
Step backfrom dethatcherto fullyextend yourarms.
Be sure you arewell balancedwithsure footing.
Pull backslowly, no morethan half waytowards you.
Repeatthesesteps as needed.
Do not operatedethatcherwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor
Raisedethatcherto highestcut positionbeforestartingengine.
Do not engagethe bladeswhilestartingengine.
The bladecontrol bail is a safetydevice.Neverattemptto bypassits
operation.Doingso makesthe safetydevice inoperativeandmay
result inpersonalinjury through contactwiththe rotatingblade.The
bladecontrol bail mustoperateeasily in bothdirectionsand automati-
cally returnto the disengagedpositionwhen released.
Neveroperatethe dethatcherin wetgrass. Alwaysbe sureof your
footing. A slip andfall can causeserious personalinjury.Ifyou feel
you are losingyourfooting, releasethe bladecontrol bail immediately
andthe bladeswill stop rotating.
Dethatchonly in daylightor good artificial light. Walk, neverrun.
Stopthe bladeswhen crossinggraveldrives,walks or roads.
If the equipmentshouldstartto vibrate abnormally,stop the engine
andcheck immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warning
of trouble.
Shutthe engineoff andwait untilthe bladescomesto a completestop
beforeremovingor uncloggingdebrisfrom underthe bladehousing.
The cutting bladesmaycontinueto rotatefor a few secondsafterthe
engine is shut off. Neverplace any partof the body inthe bladearea
until you aresure the bladeshas stoppedrotating.
Neveroperatedethatcherwithoutthe proper bladecontrol bail,guards
andother safetyprotectivedevices in place andworking.Never
operatedethatcherwithdamagedsafety devices.Failureto do so can
result inpersonalinjury.