MTD CONSUMER GROUP (MTD) and the United States Environment
Protection Agency (U. S. EPA)
System Warranty
(Owner's Defect Warranty
Rights and Obligations)
The U. S. EPAand MTDare pleasedto explaintheemissionscontrolsystemwarrantyon your modelyear 2005and latersmalloff-roadengine.
New smalloff-roadenginesmustbe designed,builtand equippedto meetthe stringentanti-smogstandards.MTDmustwarrantythe emission
controlsystemon your enginefor the periodof time listedbelow,providedtherehas been no abuse,neglector impropermaintenance of your
Youremissioncontrolsystemmay includepartssuch as the carburetor,air cleaner,ignitionsystem,exhaustsystem,and otherassociated
emission-related components.
Wherea warrantable conditionexists,MTDwill repairyoursmall off-roadengineat no cost to yourincludingdiagnosis,partsand labor.
This emissionscontrolsystemis warrantedfor two years.If anyemission-related part on yourengine is defective,the part will be repairedor
replacedby MTD.
As the smalloff-roadengineowner,youare responsible forthe performance of the requiredmaintenance listed in your Owner'sManual.MTD
recommends that you retainall yourreceiptscoveringmaintenances on yoursmalloff-roadengine,but MTDcan not denywarrantysolelyfor
the lackof receiptsor foryour failureto ensurethe performance to all scheduledmaintenance.
As the smalloff-roadengineowner,youshouldhoweverbe awarethat MTDmaydenyyour warrantycoverageif yoursmall off-roadengine or
part hasfaileddue to abuse,neglect,impropermaintenance or unapprovedmodifications.
Youare responsible for presenting your smalloff-roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists.Thewar-
rantedrepairsshouldbe completedin a reasonable amountof time, notto exceed30 days.
If you haveanyquestionsregarding yourwarrantyrightsand responsibilities, you shouldcontacta MTDService Representative at
1-800-800-7310 and addressis MTDLLC,RO. Box361131, C levelandOH, 44136-0019.
This sectionappliesto 1995and later smalloff-roadengines.The warrantyperiodbeginson the datethe engineor equipmentis deliveredto
an ultimatepurchaser.
(a) GeneralEmissions WarrantyCoverag_e_
MTDmustwarrantto the ultimatepurchaserand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat the engineis:
(1) Designed,built,and equippedsoas to conformwith all applicableregulationsadoptedby the Air ResourcesBoardpursuantto its
authorityin Chapters1 and 2,Part 5, Division26 of the Healthand SafetyCode; and
(2) Freefrom defectsin materialsand workmanship that causethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto the
part asdescribedin the engine manufacturer's applicationfor certificationfor a periodof two years.
.(b)The warrantyon emissions-related partswill be interpreted as follows:
(1) Anywarrantedpart that is not scheduledfor replacement a s requiredmaintenancein the writteninstructionsrequiredby Subsection
(c) mustbe warranted for the warrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2). If any such partfails during the periodof warrantycoverage,it
mustbe repairedor replacedby MTDaccordingto Subsection(4) below.Anysuch part repairedor replacedunderthe warrantymustbe
warrantedforthe remainingwarrantyperiod.
(2) Any warrantedpartthat is scheduledonlyfor regularinspectionin the writteninstructionsrequiredby Subsection(c) must be warranted
for thewarrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2). A statementin such writteninstructionsto theeffect of "repairor replaceas necessary"
will not reducethe periodof warrantycoverage.Any such part repairedor replacedunderwarrantymustbe warrantedfor the remaining
(3) Anywarrantedpartthat whichis scheduledfor replacement a s requiredmaintenance in the writteninstructionsrequiredby Subsec-
tion (c) mustbe warrantedfor the periodof time prior to the first scheduledreplacementpointforthat part. If the part fails prior to the
first scheduledreplacement, t he partmustbe repairedor replacedby MTDaccordingto Subsection(4) below.Anysuch part repairedor
replacedunderwarrantymust be warrantedfor the remainderof the periodprior to the firstscheduledreplacement p ointfor the part.
(4) Repairor replacement o f any warrantedpartunder thewarrantyprovisionsof this article mustbe performedat no chargeto the ownerat
a warrantystation.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisionsof Subsection(4) above,warrantyservicesor repairsmustbe providedat all MTDdistributioncenters
that are franchisedto servicethe subjectengines.
(6) Theownermustnot be chargedfor diagnosticlabor that leadsto thedeterminationthat a warranted part is in fact defective,provided
that such diagnosticwork is performedat a warrantystation.
(7) The enginemanufacturer is liable fordamagesto otherenginecomponents proximatelycausedbya failureunderwarrantyof any
(8) Throughout t he engine'swarrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2), MTDwill maintaina supplyof warrantedparts sufficientto meet
theexpecteddemandfor suchparts.