Care and cleaning of the dispenser.
Defrostwhenever frostonthewall of thechillercompartment becomes
excessive. Neveruse a sharpor metallicinstrument toremove frostas
it may damagetheliner.Werecommend u singa plasticscrape_
Donotuseanyelectrical d evice in defrosting yourchillercompartment
items florn
file compartment.
Tmn file Cold Power switch (if equipped)
to off and unplug
the dispenser
Put severn/towels
in the bottom
of the comparunent
to collect water
Chiller Model)
usually takes afe,w hou_. To deflost fhste_,
keep the door open.
After defrosting:
Remove file wet towels and wipe up any remaining water
Wipe the comparunent
with a dW cloth.
Plug in the trait and mrn on the Cold power switch
(if equipped).
Return items to the unit.
for Vacation
For long vacations or absences, set both power switches
(on the back of the dispense,; if equipped)
to the 0 (off)
1. Unplug the water dispenser
2. Remove the water bottle.
3. Drain the water ranks (see Braining the Dispenser).
4. D W the separator dloroughly
on both the top and bottom
Cleaningthe Separator).
5. i,eave the door of file chiller compartment
(on some models).
After returningfrom vacation,makesure to sanitizethe water tanks
beforeusingthedispenser ( seeCleaning andSanitizing theWaterTank).
ChillingRate: approx. 0.5 galkms (2 ]lte_ ) per hour
Capacity:3 or 5 gallon botde
Heating Rate:approx. 0.8 gallons (3 lite,s) per hour
Power Consumption:Headng: 480 watts max.
Troubleshooting Tips.
Possible Causes
What To Be
Water has poor taste
• See
the Separator.
or odor
Unit needs to be sanitized.
. See Cleaningand Sanitizingthe Water Tanks.
Waternothot enough
Dispenser is unplugged.
* Push the p|ug completely into the Buffet.
or coldenough
The fuse is blown/circuit
* Replace house fl_se or reset the house chcuit breaker
breaker is tripped.
* If too many items are plugged into a single circuit, move
some items to a different circuit.
All the water in the water tank
* Wait B0 minutes for water to heat or cool.
has been used.
limiter tripped.
* Set the hot and cold power switches (on the back of the
dispenser) to the 0 (Off)position. Wait five minutes; then
set the switches to the I (on)position. Wait 30 minutes fin.
water to heat or cool.
Waterdispenser does
Empty water bottle.
* Replace with a new bottle of water
not work - No water flow
Mineral deposits clogging tanks.
* See Careand Cleaning.
Cold water button
Chiller door has been left open.
* (_lose chiller do(n:
Ice buildup blocking water flow.
• Turn off cokt power switch (if equipped)
or unplug
overnight. Once water can be dispensed flom faucet, plug
unit back in or turn cold power switch back to the ON position.
Water dispenser leaks
Crack or pin hole in bottle.
* Replace with a new bottle of water
Compressor does not start
Normal Operation---Compressor
* Wait for up to 3 minutes for the compressor to start.
whenunitis pluggedin
start is delayed by up to 3 minutes
and coidpower switch
to prolong the compressor life.
(if equipped) is on.
Bottle feels warm
Water system
* Dispense
coM water until air is released
into the bottle.
Water is boiling in the hot tank
and bubbling
up into the bottle.