The machine vents steam during operation and it is therefore advisable to install a forced air extraction
hood above it (1500-3000 m
Alternatively, on request the machine can be supplied ready-fitted with a steam extraction or recovery
In the latter case, steam can also be channelled directly outside the installation space by means of a flue
consisting of suitable stainless steel ducting with a diameter of 250 mm.
The drying module flue is designed to close the motor housing and must not be connected to any hose.
Do not use fully demineralised water in machines with a recuperator fitted with heat recovery batteries
with copper pipes. In this case, request the version with batteries with stainless steel pipes.
The machine MUST be fitted with a limit switch before use.
The limit switch must be installed on the outfeed table.
The switch must be mechanically fixed to the machine in such a
way as to guarantee its operation
We recommend using a limit switch of the type with lever activation
with washer or spring, to increase the contact surface and reduce
the effect of mechanical contrast.
Checks must be carried out to verify proper functioning of the limit
switch with all the baskets in use on site.
It must have a protection level of at least IP55
The limit switch must be in positive mode (contact normally closed)
It must have a minimum rated capacity of 240V 1.5A
Recommended mechanical duration 10,000 K cycles.
Connection of steam hoses (optional)
Connecting the limit switch
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