inversion manoeuvre, usually generated by activation of the "obstacle detection" function. To program the disable value, select
the required value by means of keys p and q. Press "OK" to memorise.
Data deletion
This function enables the user to delete the configuration of a control unit and the relative stored data, selecting items from a
series. These items are:
❏ positions – enables deletion of all memorised positions;
❏ bluebus devices – enables deletion of the configuration of the Bluebus devices and the HALT input;
❏ function values – enables deletion of all values and settings of functions envisaged on the control unit;
❏ delete all – enables the deletion of all data in the Control unit memory excluding the reserved parameters: series, address,
hardware version, software version, serial number.
To delete: select the configuration to delete by means of keys p and q, then press "Run".
Automatic closing
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is "OFF". This function enables the activation of automatic closure at the
end of an opening manoeuvre in the control unit of the automation. If the function is active (ON) the automatic closure manoeu-
vre starts at the end of the wait time programmed in the function "pause time".
If the function is not active (OFF) the Control unit operation mode is "semiautomatic". Parameter programming: select the
required value by means of keys p and q, then press "OK".
Pause Time
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 250 sec.; the factory setting is 30 sec. This func-
tion enables programming on the Control unit of the required wait time to pass between the end of an Opening manoeuvre and
the start of a Closing manoeuvre. IMPORTANT – This function is only enabled if the "automatic closure" function is active.
Parameter programming: select the required value by means of keys p and q, then press "OK".
Reclose after photo
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is "OFF" . When the function is active (ON), operation varies according to
the parameter set in the function "Automatic closure":
◆ with the "Automatic closure" function active (ON), during the opening or closing manoeuvre, if the photocells (Foto or Foto
1) are activated, the "pause time" is reduced to 5 seconds, regardless of the set "pause time";
◆ with the "Automatic closure" function not active (OFF), during the closing manoeuvre, if the photocells (Foto or Foto 1) are
activated, the "automatic closure" function is performed with the set "pause time".
Parameter programming: select the required value by means of keys p and q, then press "OK".
Always close
• active
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is "OFF". This function is useful in the event of a power failure, even brief. In
fact, during an Opening manoeuvre if the automation shuts down due to a power failure and, the function is active (ON), the
Closure manoeuvre is performed normally when the electrical power is restored. On the contrary, if the function is not active
(OFF), the automation remains stationary when the power is restored. Note – For reasons of safety, when the function is active,
the Closure manoeuvre is preceded by a wait time as programmed in the function "pre-flash time". Parameter programming:
select the required value by means of keys p and q, then press "OK".
• mode
This parameter is factory set on the mode "always close" The function has 2 operating modes:
❏ always close – For this mode, refer to the function "active" under the item "always close";
❏ save closure – When this mode is activated, there are two possible results when power is restored after a power failure:
a) execution of automatic closure, observing the time as programmed in the function "pre-flash time", if the timeout interval of
this time was in progress at the time of the power failure; b) execution of closure manoeuvre if automatic closure was in
progress at the time of the power failure and the manoeuvre had not been completed. Note – If the automatic closure
manoeuvre was cancelled before the power failure (for example, by sending the Halt command), the Closure manoeuvre is
not performed when the power is restored.
Parameter programming: select the required value by means of keys p and q, then press "OK".
• wait time
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 20 sec.; the factory setting is 5 sec. This function
enables programming on the Control unit of the required wait time to pass between the end of an Opening manoeuvre and the
start of a Closing manoeuvre. Parameter programming: select the required value by means of keys p and q, then press "OK".
Speed management
• open speed
This parameter enables programming of the motor speed during an Opening manoeuvre; it can be set with a value from 1 (min-
imum speed) to 6 (maximum speed); the factory setting is 6. Parameter programming: select the required value by means of
keys p and q, then press "OK".
Basic parameters