Vacuson 60 LP
Preparation of secretion jars
1. Hold sterile, open jar available (2 or 5 liter), or the jars of the MONOKIT system.
2. Press Jar Lid with Turn and Tilting Lever in open-position firmly onto the jar (the latch of the locking
system is in open-position).
Turn and tilting Lever
in open-position.
3. Rotate Turn and Tilting Lever by 180° (Turn and Tilting Lever now facing away from the grasp). Make
sure the gripper catches the rim of the jar.
Turn and Tilting Lever in
locked position.
4. Flap down Turn and Tilting Lever into the designated groove.
Turn and Tilting Lever locked
and secured.
Operating Instructions, Vacuson 60 LP, REF 31793, V34/17
Latch in open position