Do not use excessive force when tightening the screws of the power supply connector.
Install or modify the equipment with the power supply switched off.
The entire installation must be at least 40cm. away from any other installation.
Before connecting the equipment, check the connections among the door pannel, telephones and the
power connection. Do always follow the enclosed information.
When starting the equipment for the first time, or after a modification, the system will remain inactive for
some seconds because of the starting time.
Audio door entry system with simplified installation (2-wire bus withouth polarity).
Up to 3 door pannels (access) being not necessary the use of switching units.
Up to 120 telephones per instalation without using converters.
Up to 120 apartments with door pannels with push buttons and 120 apartments with coded panel (being
necessary the use of digital converter CD-2PLUS).
Acoustic busy channel and call acknowledgement signals.
Maximum distance between the remote door pannel and furthest telephone: 100m.
Timed door opening for 3 seconds.
a.c. or d.c. lock release operated by relay.
In T-7720 telephones:
Total private conversations.
Up to 1 additional telephone in every apartment.
Input for external door bell push button.
In T7722VD and T7822VD telephones have, besides the previous features:
Auxiliary push button with 2 possible functions:
Relay activation SAR-2PLUS
Voltage-free contact (I máx: 40mA)
Up to 2 additional telephones in every apartment (only with T-7822VD).
Call volume regulation with three positions: maximum, medium and disconnection.
Different call tones which identify the call procedure (main or secondary door panel or a call from the
Call repeater S-45 output.
It allows to install a porter´s exchange (being necessary the use of digital converter CD-2PLUS).
To make a call, the visitor should press the push button corresponding to the apartment he/she wants to
contact. Some acoustic tones will be heard confirming the call is in progress. At this moment the call is
received in the dwelling. During the call the visitor can correct his/her call by pressing the push button
corresponding to the desired apartment, cancelling the original call. .
In systems with several access doors, the other(s) door panel(s) will be automatically disconnected: if a
visitor tries to call from a different door pannel, an acoustic tone will be heard to warn him/her that the
system is engaged.
The call sounds over 45 seconds. If it is not answered in 45 seconds, then the channel will be disengaged.
Pick up the telephone handset to establish communication.
The communication will last for one and a half minutes or until the handset is put down. Once the
communication has finished the system will be disengaged.
In order to open the door, press the door release push button either while the call or the communication
is in progress: the lock release is activated for 3 seconds pressing once the push button.