Device message/possible cause
System fault, refer to user guide, Error 004
Device may have been left in a hot environment.
Air filter may be blocked.
Air tubing may be blocked.
There may be water in the air tubing.
All other error messages, for example, System fault, refer to user guide, Error 0XX
An unrecoverable error has occurred on the device.
Allow to cool before re-use. Disconnect the power supply
and then reconnect it to restart the device.
Check the air filter and replace it if there are any blockages.
Disconnect the power supply and then reconnect it to restart
the device.
Check the air tubing and remove any blockages. Press the
dial to clear the message and then press Start/Stop to
restart the device.
Empty the water from the air tubing. Disconnect the power
supply and then reconnect it to restart the device.
Contact your care provider. Do not open the device.