The function modes set the type of Modbus telegram (Modbus function) that will be sent,
as shown in the table below:
Digital markers used in the Modbus function:
Received telegram – M3D. This marker will turn on when the reception of the telegram is
completed. The telegram will be transferred to the destination register if there aren't any
errors. Error marker - M3E. When there is an error in the data checking, this marker will
be turned on.
Timeout - M3F. This marker will turn on when the time between the sending of the message
until the start of the receiving is greater than the set one. The M3D marker will also turn
on. M3F will be automatically reset when M3D is reset.
Timeout time will depend on the selected BaudRate (communication rate), as shown in
the table below:
It is possible to set the amount of Modbus variables to be read/written by the telegram.
When the parameter
when this parameter is set to some DR register, 2 DRs registers that contain the following
configurations will be used: -Declared DR: will contain the Modbus variable to be read/
-Declared DR + 1: specifies the amount of consecutive addresses to be read: Only modes
1,3, 4 and 5 support this type of configuration.
Modbus Function type
03 – Word reading
06 – Single word writing
10 – Multiple word writing
01 – Bit reading
05 – Single Bit writing
BaudRate (bps)
4800; 9600; 19200; 38400
is set to constant, the specified address will be read solely. However,
- English -
Ladder Logic Programming
CLIC-02 | 115