1. Configure the multimeter for the measurement by selecting the function, range, resolution, and so on.
2. Specify the multimeter's measurement mode. Choices are as below:
– An Immediate internal trigger (default).
– A manual or software (Bus) trigger from the remote interface.
3. Ensure that the multimeter is ready to accept a trigger from the specified source (called the wait-for-trigger state).
Immediate Triggering
In the continuous triggering mode, the trigger signal is always present. When you place the multimeter in the wait-
for-trigger state, the trigger is issued immediately. This is the default trigger source for remote interface operation.
Remote Interface Operation
The following command selects the immediate trigger source: TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate
The CONFigure and MEASure? commands automatically set the trigger source to IMMediate.
Refer to the Keysight EDU34450A Programming Guide for complete description and syntax for these commands.
Software (Bus) Triggering
The Software (Bus) trigger source can only be enabled via SCPI.
The instrument automatically triggers immediately when you send a bus trigger command.
– The TRIGger:SOURce BUS command selects the bus trigger source.
– The MEASure? command overwrites the BUS trigger and triggers the DMM and returns a measurement.
– The READ? command does not overwrite the BUS trigger, and if selected, generates an error. It will only trigger
the instrument and return a measurement when the IMMEdiate trigger is selected.
Keysight EDU34450A User's Guide