6. Trouble Shooting
If problems occur with the system, please use this trouble shooting guide to identify the cause
and correct the error.
No live image on
the screen but user
interface is present
on the display or
the image is frozen
Low picture quality
Absent or reduced
suction capability
or difficulty in
inserting endoscopic
accessory through
the channel
Possible cause
The endoscope is not connected
to compatible monitor.
The monitor and endoscope
have communication problems.
The endoscope is damaged.
A recorded image is shown on
the monitor screen.
Blood, saliva etc. on the lens
(distal tip).
Channel blocked.
Suction pump is not turned on
or not connected.
Suction valve is damaged.
Endoscopic accessory inserted
in working channel
if suction is absent or reduced).
Bending section not in
neutral position.
Soft endoscopic accessory
difficult to pass through
working channel seal.
Recommended action
Connect an endoscope to the
blue port on the monitor.
Restart the monitor.
Replace the endoscope with
a new one.
Return to live image on
the monitor.
If the object cannot be seen
clearly, clean the tip.
Withdraw the endoscope and
clean the working channel
using a cleaning brush or flush
the working channel with
sterile saline using a syringe.
Do not operate the suction
valve when instilling fluids.
Turn the pump on and check
the suction line connection.
Prepare a new endoscope.
Remove endoscopic
Check that the
accessory used is of the
recommended size.
Move bending section into
neutral position.
Use the enclosed introducer.