OBJ_DOKU-193013-005.fm Seite 34 Freitag, 12. Februar 2021 9:42 09
In the case of endoscopic use: Risk of burns to the
Flash-overs, activation in the working channel of the endoscope
or without visual control of the distal end of the probe can cause
unwanted thermal injuries to the patient. Therefore, check that
the distal end of the probe (1) protrudes at least 10 mm out of
the endoscope before each activation. This is ensured when the
first black ring (2) on the distal end of the probe is visible
through the endoscope.
Fig. 1: View of the markings through the endoscope.
Risk of accidental tissue damage with the APC 300
If the gas bottles of the APC 300 are not opened or are com-
pletely empty, a spray coagulation is performed with the instru-
ment after each activation. There is an audible warning signal;
the bottles on the display of the APC 300 blink and an error mes-
sage appears. In the spray coagulation mode there is a danger
of unintentional tissue damage; the instrument can also be dam-
Before using the APC 300 always open the gas bottles. Observe
the self-check performed by the unit. How much gas is there left
in the bottles? The bottle symbols on the display of the APC 300
give an approximate indication of the quantity of gas remaining.