DSX Touch
4. CLAGE app "Smart Control"
Initial operation
• Protect the appliance from unauthorised access by connecting it to an Internet-
connected IT infrastructure only if it is protected by a firewall.
• Protect the appliance against unauthorised access by using a secure Wi-Fi pass-
word. This should consist of letters, numbers and special characters and should not
be listed in the lexicon.
1. Make sure that the instantaneous water heater is supplied with voltage.
2. Install the control app on your tablet / smartphone. Search the Apple AppStore or
the Google Playstore for »CLAGE Smart Control« and install the app. Do not start
the control app yet.
3. Establish the WiFi connection between your home network and the DSX Touch at
the appliance. Enter "Device" in settings menu, select the DSX Home Server, tab on
"Advanced" and select operation mode "Client" or "Accesspoint".
Configuration as Client
1. All networks found in range are listed at "Network". Tap your SSID to select your
home network. If the SSID of your home network is hidden, it must be temporarily
set to "visible" for the configuration.
2. Enter your WiFi password and tab on "Apply"
3. The DSX Touch updates the WiFi settings and tries to log in on the router using the
new access data. The tablet / smartphone must be connected to the same network.
4. Return to the control app and start it. After the successful login on the home net
work you have now access to your DSX Touch via the app.
5. In the Smart Control app you can check the successful installation by enter
ing "Device" in settings menu, selecting the DSX Home Server and tapping on
"Connect...". The following text should appear: "DSX Touch can be used."
Note: An error message appears if it is not possible to log in with the entered access
data. Check the access data and repress "Apply".
Note: A time delay of a few seconds is normal and dependent on the network infra-
structure and utilization.
Configuration as accesspoint
If you want to use the DSX Touch as a standalone access point, please set up an indi
vidual and secure password to protect it from unauthorized access:
1. Connect the tablet / smartphone to the DSX Touch via WiFi.
2. Select WiFi in the settings menu of your tablet / smartphone and type in the con
necting data of your DSX Touch:
SSID = CLAGEDSX... (see rating plate). The rating plate is located under the
removable faceplate at the bottom of the appliance.
Password = The password is a randomly generated code also printed on the
rating plate.
3. Check the control by temperature change via the app. Temperature changes on
smartphone / tablet must automatically update the display values at the instantane
ous water heater and vice versa.
Note: If you have forgotten your password, please contact the factory customer ser-
Activate/ deactivate Wi-Fi
Go to the device configuration, select the DSX Touch Server and tap »Advanced«. By
tapping on the button, you can enable / disable the WLAN.