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  • ESPAÑOL, página 5

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Take-Apart Endoscopic Instruments
Instructions for Use
Take-Apart Endoscopic Instruments are reusable,
non-sterile, fully-assembled, monopolar electrosurgical instruments
comprised of three individual parts – handle, shaft and stainless steel
Take-Apart Endoscopic Instruments are intended for use in
laparoscopic gynecologic surgery and other operative procedures under
endoscopic observations. For use when a rigid endoscopic instrument
for grasping, dissecting and/or other manipulation of soft tissue is
determined to be appropriate by the surgeon. For those instruments with
electrosurgical capability, current can be used for coagulation and/or
cutting as determined necessary and appropriate by the surgeon.
Instruments should not be used for anything other than their intended
Discard instrument after suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
DO NOT flash sterilize Integra
Take-Apart Endoscopic
Instruments. The instruments have not been validated for flash
Do not use instrument or cable if insulation is not fully intact.
Danger of injury from burns and/or explosion from flammable gases!
Application of the HF device according to its intended use can
involve spark formation.
Activating the electrosurgical unit simultaneously with the aspiration
/ irrigation feature may increase capacitive coupling through the
shaft area and alter the path of the electrical energy away from the
Patients should be monitored closely for possible gas embolism.
Localized burns to the patient or physician may result from electrical
current carried through conductive objects (such as trocar cannuals).
Electrical current may be generated in conductive objects by
direct contact with the active electrode, or by the active accessory
(electrode or cable) being in close proximity to the conductive object.
Check screws on instruments after ultrasonic cleaning. Vibration from
ultrasonic cleaning may cause them to loosen or fall out.
For electrosurgical instruments, use the least amount of power
appropriate for the application. For electrosurgical cables,
disconnect from the generator or instrument by grasping the
connector only. Do not pull the cable by the cord.
Take-Apart Endoscopic instruments are supplied non-sterile and
must be cleaned, lubricated and sterilized prior to use according to
hospital protocol and procedures outlined in this document. Failure
to follow these procedures will invalidate instrument's warranty and
can cause instrument to fail.
Inappropriate use of instruments will lead to damage that is usually
not repairable.
During a surgical procedure, when locking mechanism of handle is
engaged and insert is grasping patient tissue, do not rotate or twist
instrument as this may cause damage to the working tip.
Activation of an electrosurgical device when not in contact with
target tissue or in a position to deliver energy to target tissue may
cause capacitive coupling.
Read the Instructions for Use and keep them in a safe place.
Use the product only in accordance with its intended use, see
Clean the product either manually or mechanically prior to the initial
Store products in a dry, clean and safe place.
Prior to each use, inspect the product for: loose, bent, broken, cracked,
worn, or fractured components.
Do not use the product if it is damaged or defective.
Replace any damaged components immediately with original spare
To avoid damage to the working tip:
Introduce the product carefully through the working channel
(e.g., trocar).
Do NOT manually twist or turn the instrument once the locking
mechanism has been engaged.
Follow the safety instructions of the HF manual very carefully.
Only use electrocautery instruments up to their peak voltage rating
for the applicable HF surgical mode. Integra
Endoscopic Instruments have a peak voltage rating of 3,000 V
tested frequency of 450 kHz.
Adjust the HF power output to the intended operation. Take into
account the clinical experience or reference values.
Select the lowest possible HF power output.
Keep the product's contact surfaces clean during the operation.
The accessory voltage rating of the product is 3,000 V
The accessory voltage rating must exceed or be equal to the
maximum peak output voltage at which the product is operated
in combination with an appropriate HF device at an appropriate
operating mode/setting (see IEC 60601-2-2).
surgical generator that operates at the below parameters.
The listed values are maximum guiding values. Please read the
operating manual specific for the HF surgical generator to be
used prior to operating the instruments to ensure the HF-surgical
generator parameters are appropriate for the intended procedure.
Cutting 1 (pure)
Cutting 2 (blend)
Cutting 3 (super blend)
Contact coagulation
Forced Prep
To avoid HF burns:
The product's working tip must be in the user's field of vision
whenever HF power is activated.
Prior to activating the HF device, make certain the working end of
the product is not touching any electrically conductive accessories.
Prior to each use, visually check the product for: damage to or
surface changes on, the insulation.
Never put down the product on or next to the patient.
When using accessories for endoscopy or laparoscopy applications,
deactivate the automatic switch-on mode of the HF generator.
Follow the instructions for use of the HF generator.
Step 1: For handles with ratchets: Push gold-plated lever down to
detach/disassemble ratchet connection. For handles without ratchets:
Go directly to Step 2.
Take-Apart Endoscopic are to be used with an HF
HF Power
Voltage Peak to Peak
max. 400 W at 300 Ω
max. 2300 V
max. 300 W at 300 Ω
max. 2500 V
max. 200 W at 300 Ω
max. 2700 V
max. 100 W at 200 Ω
max. 2800 V
max. 250 W at 200 Ω
max. 3200 V
max. 120 W at 200 Ω
max. 3900 V
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Integra LifeSciences Jarit

  • Página 1 For electrosurgical instruments, use the least amount of power operating mode/setting (see IEC 60601-2-2). appropriate for the application. For electrosurgical cables, disconnect from the generator or instrument by grasping the Integra Jarit Take-Apart Endoscopic Instruments Integra Jarit Take-Apart Endoscopic are to be used with an HF ®...
  • Página 2 INSPECTION OF ALL INSTRUMENTS Step 2: Press push button located on side and keep it held down. Then B. RE-ASSEMBLY open handle completely (slight resistance will be present). Instruments must be thoroughly inspected upon receipt and prior to Step 1: For handles with rotation: Screw shaft with connection nut to use to assure proper functioning.
  • Página 3: Storage Conditions

    CAUTION The following substances should be avoided whenever possible; • Place instruments in a mesh bottom stainless steel instrument tray. Integra Jarit Take-Apart Endoscopic Instruments must be sterilized in ® ® rinse with copious amounts of water immediately if instruments are Place tray into ultrasonic cleaner.
  • Página 4: Returned Goods Policy

  • Página 5: Descripción Del Dispositivo

    La tensión nominal del accesorio debe exceder o ser igual a la adecuada para la aplicación. Para los cables electroquirúrgicos, tensión nominal de salida máxima a la que se hace funcionar el Instrumentos endoscópicos separables Integra Jarit ® ® desconectarlos del generador o instrumento sujetándolos solo por producto en combinación con un dispositivo de alta frecuencia...
  • Página 6: Montaje

    Paso 1: Para mangos con trinquetes: empuje la palanca dorada hacia Paso 4: Cierre el mango venciendo la resistencia hasta que el elemento abajo para separar/desmontar la conexión del trinquete. Para mangos quede encajado en el eje y se escuche un segundo chasquido. sin trinquetes: vaya directamente al Paso 2.
  • Página 7: Descontaminación Manual

    Paso 2: aclarado: aclare bien los productos de limpieza previa del PRECAUCIÓN Paso 9: realice un ACLARADO FINAL con agua desionizada durante dos instrumento con agua destilada durante dos (2) minutos. Los instrumentos endoscópicos separables Integra Jarit se deben (2) minutos. ® ®...
  • Página 8: Procedimientos De Mantenimiento

    • Manchas de color marrón: los detergentes que contienen polifosfatos Integra, logotipo de Integra y Jarit son marcas comerciales de Integra pueden disolver los elementos de cobre del esterilizador, dando como LifeSciences Corporation o de una de sus filiales en Estados Unidos y/o en otros resultado manchas marrones.
  • Página 9 Le niveau de tension auxiliaire du produit est de 3000 V INSTRUMENTS ENDOSCOPIQUES DÉMONTABLES même les faire tomber. Integra JARIT ® ® Le niveau de tension auxiliaire doit être supérieur ou égal à Pour les instruments électrochirurgicaux, utiliser le niveau de la tension de pic de sortie à...
  • Página 10: Inspection De Tous Les Instruments

    CONSIGNES POUR LE DÉMONTAGE ET LE REMONTAGE place, desserrer l'écrou de connexion de la vis, puis séparer la tige de la poignée. Étape 4 : Fermer la poignée en dépit de la résistance jusqu'à ce que A. DÉMONTAGE l'insert s'engage dans la tige et qu'un deuxième clic audible se fasse Étape 1 : Pour les poignées avec loquets : pousser le levier en plaqué...
  • Página 11 Placer le plateau dans le nettoyeur à ultrasons. Étape 2 : Rincer : rincer soigneusement les instruments avec de l'eau Les instruments endoscopiques démontables Integra ® Jarit ® doivent être Étape 9 : RINÇAGE FINAL avec de l'eau distillée pendant deux (2) distillée pendant deux (2) minutes pour éliminer les produits de pré-...
  • Página 12 • Taches marron : les détergents contenant des polyphosphates peuvent dissoudre les éléments de cuivre dans le stérilisateur et faire Integra et le logo Integra et Jarit sont des marques commerciales d’Integra LifeSciences Corporation ou de ses filiales aux États-Unis et/ou dans d’autres des taches marrons.
  • Página 13 Deutsch Nähe des leitenden Gegenstandes befindet, kann in den leitenden Operationsmodus. Integra Jarit Zerlegbare Endoskopieinstrumente ® ® Gegenständen elektrischer Strom entstehen. haben einen Spitzenspannungswert von 3.000 V und eine geprüfte Frequenz von 450 kHz. Passen Sie die HF-Ausgangsleistung dem entsprechenden VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN Verwendungszweck an.
  • Página 14: Kontrolle Aller Instrumente

    ANWEISUNGEN ZUR DEMONTAGE UND ZUSAMMENBAU Schritt 4: Schließen Sie den Griff gegen den Widerstand bis der Einsatz in den Schaft einrastet und ein hörbares zweites Klickgeräusch zu A. DEMONTAGE hören ist. Schritt 1: Für Griffe mit Sperrvorrichtung: Drücken Sie den goldenen Hebel nach unten, um die Sperrvorrichtungsverbindung zu lösen/ demontieren.
  • Página 15 Schritt 10: Sichtprüfung und Zusammenbau des VORSICHT Instrumente gemäß den obigen Anweisungen. Stellen Sie sicher, Instrumentensatzes: Prüfen Sie beim Zusammenbau des Integra Jarit Zerlegbare Endoskopieinstrumente müssen in ® ® dass alle Einsätze geöffnet sind, bevor die vollständig demontierten Instrumentensatzes visuell alle Teile auf Sauberkeit und vergewissern demontierter und vollständig geöffneter Position sterilisiert werden.
  • Página 16 Instrumente sich verfärben oder fleckig werden. Die Anwendung der HAFTUNG ODER VERPFLICHTUNG ZU ÜBERNEHMEN. Integra und das Integra-Logo und Jarit sind Marken der Integra LifeSciences richtigen Technik bei Reinigungs- und Sterilisationsverfahren verhindert Corporation oder deren Tochterunternehmen in den USA und/oder anderen das Auftreten der meisten Verfärbungen.
  • Página 17 Nel caso di strumenti elettrochirurgici, usare la quantità minima di alla norma IEC 60601-2-2). potenza appropriata per l’applicazione. Scollegare i cavi elettrochirurgici Utilizzare gli strumenti endoscopici separabili Integra Jarit con un ® ® dal generatore o dallo strumento afferrando solamente il connettore.
  • Página 18 ISPEZIONE DI TUTTI GLI STRUMENTI Fase 2: Premere il pulsante posto a lato e aprire completamente contemporaneamente ferma la rotella. Per impugnature senza l'impugnatura (si avverte una leggera resistenza). rotazione: avvitare lo stelo con dado di collegamento alla manopola Per garantirne il corretto funzionamento gli strumenti devono essere tendendo questa immobile.
  • Página 19: Condizioni Di Conservazione

    ATTENZIONE all'altro). Gli strumenti endoscopici separabili Integra ® Jarit ® devono essere • Collocare gli strumenti in un vassoio per strumenti in acciaio inox con sterilizzati smontati e in posizione completamente aperta.
  • Página 20: Riparazioni E Manutenzione

    Telephone: 33 (0) 4 37 47 59 10 prova della pulizia e disinfezione, verrà addebitata una tassa per la Integra, il logo Integra e Jarit sono marchi depositati di Integra LifeSciences Corporation o delle sue affiliate negli Stati Uniti e/o in altri Paesi. ©2015 Integra pulizia e le riparazioni dello strumento richiederanno più...
  • Página 21: Contra-Indicatie

    Gebruik voor elektrochirurgische instrumenten het kleinst mogelijke geschikte bedrijfsmodus/instelling (zie IEC 60601-2-2). vermogen voor de toepassing. Koppel de elektrochirurgische kabels van de generator of het instrument alleen los door de stekker beet te Demonteerbare endoscopische instrumenten van Integra Jarit ® ® Integra Jarit Demonteerbare endoscopische ®...
  • Página 22: Decontaminatie- En Sterilisatieprocedures

    INSPECTIE VAN ALLE INSTRUMENTEN B. OPNIEUW MONTEREN Stap 1: Voor handgrepen met rotatie: schroef de schacht met de Instrumenten moeten bij ontvangst en voor gebruik grondig geïnspecteerd verbindingsmoer op het rotatiewiel van de handgreep terwijl u het worden op de juiste werking. Als er geen volledige inspectie uitgevoerd Stap 2: Druk op de knop aan de zijkant en houdt deze ingedrukt.
  • Página 23 Koningswater Jodium VOORZICHTIG de andere te voorkomen). IJzerchloride Zwavelzuur De demonteerbare endoscopische instrumenten van Integra Jarit moeten ® ® • Plaats instrumenten in een roestvrijstalen instrumentlade met Zoutzuur tijdens het steriliseren volledige gedemonteerd en open zijn. geperforeerde bodem. Plaats de lade in de ultrasone reiniger.
  • Página 24: Reparatie En Onderhoud

    Jarit bepaalt of het product defect is en wat de aard van het defect is. Als producten langer dan 90 dagen in het bezit van de klant zijn geweest, vervangt Jarit ze niet.

Tabla de contenido