secured and consolidated. When you feel confident enough
about the climbing motion, you can switch over gradually to let-
ting go of the handrails and to swinging your arms by your sides
as you would when climbing the stairs. This method of training
incorporates a highly effective way of exercising the entire body,
serving also to fine-tune the body's sense of co-ordination and
Please note: This method of training is only suitable for the ad-
vanced and top-fit athlete with staying power and a sound com-
mand of the sequence of movements involved.
• Set the stepping resistance at the adjusting rings on the oil-pres-
sure damping tubes (Step 1-12) to meet individual requirements
and to accommodate personal body weight.
• Use of the upper and lower limits stops of the damping tubes
and the tread members should be avoided in order to protect
joints and treat the oil-pressure damping tubes with the appro-
priate level of care. Avoid stretching the knee joints to the full du-
ring training, but instead begin the return action just before this
• Training to music or in front of the television can help to boost
Ensure when training that your step-frequency is consistent and that
you are securely positioned on the appliance.
It is primarily the muscles of the lower extremi-
ties which respond to training using the
KETTLER Power Stepper.
The stair-climbing motion mainly activates the
muscles of the posterior, the thighs and the cal-
ves and serves to strengthen them, in particular
where the individual has had little prior expo-
sure to training and exercise. This is generally
coupled with a tightening of the tissue in the parts of the body con-
cerned. In addition, training using no hands at a more advanced
stage can assist in enhancing the body's sense of co-ordination and
All in all, the KETTLER Power Stepper offers you an excellent op-
portunity to improve your fitness from the point of view of stamina
and strength, and it goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle
which is reflected is a healthy diet cannot help but make the ultimate
success enjoyed in training complete.