The dots among the ciphers of the display show the status of
the programming wheel: when pushing the wheel downwards
the left dot is on (DOWN), when pushing the wheel upwards the
right dot is on (UP), when the wheel is pressed the central dot
is on (MENU).
The arrows on the display right side show the gate status:
• The highest arrow turns on when the gate is into its opening
phase. If it blinks, it means that the opening has been
caused by a safety device (border or obstacle detector).
• The central arrow shows that the gate is on pause. If it
blinks, it means that the time countdown for the automatic
closing has been activated.
• The lowest arrow blinks when the gate is into its closing
phase. If it blinks, it means that the closing has been
caused by a safety device (border or obstacle detector).
The programming of the functions and time of the central is
made by means of a specific configuration menu accessible by
means of the programming wheel and in which it is possible to
move around thanks to the same programming wheel.
WARNING: Outside the configuration menu, pushing the
wheel upwards a START control is given, pushing it downwards
(DOWN) a PEDESTRIAN START control is given.
To start the programming mode while the display is showing
the control panel, keep the wheel pressed until the display
shows dEF.
The configuration menu consists in a list of configurable items;
the display shows the selected item; pushing the wheel
downwards the following item is selected, pushing the wheel
upwards the previous item is selected. Pressing the wheel the
current value of the selected item is displayed and it is
possible to change it, if necessary.
The last item of the menu (FinE) allows to store the changes
made and to revert to the normal working of the control unit. In
order not to loose the own configuration it is compulsory exiting
through this menu item.
WARNING: If no operations are required for more then a
minute, the control unit exits from the programming mode
without saving the given information and changes will be lost.
Keeping the wheel pushed downwards the configuration menu
items are quickly scrolled down until displayed the item FinE.
Likewise, keeping the wheel pushed upwards the items are
quickly scrolled down backwards until reached the item dEF.
Like this, the beginning or the end of the list can be reached
There are the following three kinds of menu items:
• Function menu
• Time menu
• Value menu
Function menu setup
Function menus allow selecting a function from among a group
of available options. When you enter into a function menu, the
current active option will be viewed; pushing the programming
wheel upwards or downwards it is possible to scroll down the
available options. The displayed option is started up pressing
the wheel; after this, back to the configuration menu.
Time menu setup
Time menus allow setting a function duration. When you enter
into a time menu, the current setup value will be viewed; the
display mode depends on the current value:
• times being lower than one minute will be viewed as follows:
Every time the wheel is pressed upwards (UP) the set time
increases of half a second; every time it's pressed downwards
(DOWN) the time decreases of half a second.
• Times between 1 and 10 minutes will be viewed as follows:
Every time the wheel is pressed upwards (UP) the set time
increases of 5 seconds; every time it's pressed downwards
(DOWN) the time decreases of 5 seconds.
• Times being more than 10 minutes will be viewed as follows:
Every time the wheel is pressed upwards (UP) the set time
increases of half a minute; every time it's pressed downwards
(DOWN) the time decreases of half a minute.
Keeping the wheel upwards (UP) the time increases quickly,
until reached its maximum. Likewise, keeping the wheel
downwards (DOWN) the time decreases quickly, until reached
In some circumstances, setting the value to 0 means that the
relevant function is disabled, in this case, 'no' will appear
instead of 0.0".
The displayed option is confirmed pressing the wheel (MENU);
after this, back to the configuration menu.
Value menu setup
Value menus are similar to time menus; however, the setup
value can be any number. Keeping the wheel pressed upwards
or downwards the value increases or decreases slowly.