Introduction & Machine Specifications; Introducción; Introduction Et Caractéristiques De La Machine - Clarke FOCUS Serie Manual De Instrucciones

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Introduction & Machine Specifications
This is a floor cleaning machine which, using the mechanic abrasive action of two rotary brushes or two cylindri-
cal brushes and the chemical action of a water-detergent solution, is able to clean any type of floor. During its
forward movement, it picks up the removed dirt and the detergent solution which has not been absorbed by the
Introducción y especificaciones de la máquina
Esta máquina de limpiar pisos utiliza la acción abrasiva mecánica de dos cepillos giratorios o de dos
cepillos cilíndricos y la acción química de una solución de agua y detergente para limpiar todo tipo de
pisos. Durante el movimiento de avance recoge la suciedad removida y la solución de detergente no
absorbida por el piso.
Introduction et caractéristiques de la machine
Introduction et caractéristiques de la machine
Cette machine est une machine de nettoyage des sols qui, grâce à l'action abrasive mécanique de deux
brosses rotatives ou de deux brosses cylindriques et à l'action chimique d'une solution composée d'eau
et de détergent, est capable de nettoyer tous les types de sols. En avançant, elle recueille la saleté
retirée et la solution de détergent qui n'a pas été absorbée par le sol.
Cleaning Width
Brush Deck Side Movement
Squeegee Width
Working Capacity
Brushes (2)
Brush Speed
Brush Pressure
Brush Motor
Traverse Motor
Wheel Diameter
Traverse Speed (Max)
Maximum Cleaning Grade
Vacuum Motor
Solution Tank
Recovery Tank
Base Machine Length
Base Machine Height
Base Machine Width
Brush Deck Width
Batteries ****
Machine Weight w/Batteries ***
Shipping Weight w/Batteries
28 inch (66 cm)
2 inch (5 cm) *
33 inch (83.8 cm)
32,000 sq ft/hr (2970 sq m/hr) 36,000 sq ft/hr (3344 sq m/hr)
14 inch (33 cm)
300 rpm
0 - 225 lbs. (77 kg) **
2.0 hp (900 W)
1.5 hp (450 W)
10 inch (24.8 cm)
350 ft/min (76 m/min)
10% (6 degree)
1 hp (670 W)
30 gallon (110 liter)
30 gallon (110 liter)
65.5 inch (166.4 cm)
49.6 inch (126 cm)
30.0 inch ( 64.8 cm)
28 inch (74.9 cm)
36 volt (6-6V batteries) 250AH 36 volt (6-6V batteries) 250AH
1425 lbs. (532 kg)
1590 lbs. (594 kg)
34 inch (76 cm)
2 inch (5 cm) *
40 inch (101.6 cm)
17 inch (38 cm)
300 rpm
0 - 225 lbs. (86 kg) **
2.5 hp (900 W)
1.5 hp (450 W)
10 inch (24.8 cm)
350 ft/min (76 m/min)
10% (6 degree)
1 hp (670 W)
30 gallon (110 liter)
30 gallon (110 liter)
65.5 inch (166.4 cm)
49.6 inch (126 cm)
30.0 inch (64.8 cm)
34 inch (81.3 cm)
1445 lbs. (540 kg)
1610 lbs. (600 kg)
Operator's Manual -Focus Rider Scrubber
* Movement to left only
from R.H. side of
** 125 lbs. to 225 lbs. in
5 - 25 lb. increments.
*** 330 AH
**** 330, 370 Available
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