After leveling, direct the laser beam in
point operation onto the close wall A. Mark
the center point of the laser beam on the
wall (point I).
– Turn the laser tool around by 180°,
allow it to level in and mark the center
point of the laser beam on the opposite
wall B (point II).
– Without turning the laser tool,
position it close to wall B. Switch the
laser tool on and allow it to level in.
– Align the height of the laser tool (using the
tripod or by underlaying, if required) in
such a manner that the center point of the
laser beam is projected exactly against the
previously marked point II on wall B.
65 ft
– Rotate the laser tool by 180° without chan-
ging the height. Allow it to level in and
mark the center point of the laser beam on
wall A (point III). Take care that point III is
as vertical as possible above or below
point I.
– The difference d of both marked points I
and III on wall A amounts to the actual
deviation of the laser tool for the
measured axis.
Repeat the measuring procedure for the other
three axes. For this, turn the laser tool prior to
each measuring procedure by 90°.
On the measuring section of 2 x 65 ft = 130 ft,
the maximum allowable deviation is: 130 ft x
±0.0012 in/ft = ± 0.157 in.
Consequently, the difference d between points
I and III for each of the four individual
measurements may not exceed 0.157in max.
If the laser tool should exceed the maximum
deviation in anyone of the four measuring
procedures, have it checked at a Bosch
aftersales service agent.