Dear customer,
thank you for purchasing this riding mower from Emak S.p.A., a company renowned both in Europe and internationally as
a manufacturer of quality machines and accessories for the maintenance of grass areas.
This manual should guide you through, in the most simple way possible, the safe installation, operation and maintenance of your
machine and provide information about its options and capabilities. It is therefore intended for all persons that will come into
contact with the machine during its installation, operation and maintenance.
Please carefully study the manual before doing anything with the machine. Follow the instructions contained in this user's manual
precisely so that operating the machine is easier and that it is used optimally and has a long lifetime.
In this user's manual you will find symbols with the following meaning:
These symbols mean "ATTENTION" and "WARNING", they inform you about things that may damage your
machine and/or cause serious injury to the user.
This symbol indicates an important instruction, property, procedure or issue, which you need to be aware of and
adhere to during assembly, operation and maintenance of the machine.
This symbol indicates useful information relating to the machine or to its accessories.
This symbol is a reference to an image in the front part of the user's manual. It is always accompanied by the
number of the image.
This symbol is a reference to another chapter in this or another user's manual and most often it is shown together
with the number of the chapter to which it refers.
This user's manual is an integral part of the riding mower that must be included with the mower in the event that it is sold. Therefore,
keep it for future use.
Do not put the machine into operation until you have thoroughly read all the instructions, restrictions and
recommendations contained in this user's manual, paying particular attention to the chapter "Safety of operation".
The illustrations and pictures contained in this user's manual may not always correspond to reality, their purpose is the description
of the main principles of the device.
In practice, unforeseeable situations frequently arise that cannot be included and described in this user s manual. Therefore, if
you are ever unsure about a procedure or if anything is unclear or you have questions, do not hesitate to contact one authorised,
professionally-equipped service centres located all over Europe, where trained and tested experts will be ready to assist you.