RDM functions
What is DMX?
The abbreviation DMX or DMX-512 stands for "Digital Multiplex" This is a standardised digital
transmission protocol used in stage and event technology as well as in many Syncronorm components.
This unit supports the DMX protocol enhancement RDM (Remote Device Management). RDM is a bi-
directional protocol standard for DMX-512 controlled units. The protocol makes it possible to receive
status information about a unit or to change configurations on a unit.
How does RDM work?
The permanently transmitted DMX data flow briefly pauses (several milliseconds), and an RDM data
package (message) is sent directly to a subscriber. The subscriber evaluates the information in the data
package and sends an answer (semi-duplex) on the same line. Targeted polling to a subscriber via its
UID (Unique ID) prevents several subscribers from answering simultaneously.
Activating RDM functions
To find RDM components, go from the main level to the sub-menu item
RDM Mode DMX 1
Finding RDM components
Use the four arrow buttons
Device list
according to their UID (Unique ID). The UID consists of the manufacturer number and the product
series number.
If you wish to delete the subscriber list, it is possible to start another search for subscribers. Press the
Device list
key. The display shows the information
confirm. The search process may take several minutes if the number of components is high. The
subscribers found in the search are displayed in the sub-menu item
devices. Example: 1 LED Driver with 4 ProfilLux LED 320 = 5 devices (Device + Subdevices).
In the
Device list
Subscriber number (in ascending order according to the UID), DMX address and online message shown
after targeted polling of a subscriber via the UID (Unique ID).
Further RDM functions such as Device ID (serial number), Reset Device (Reset RDM malfunction
message), Identify Device (Search for subscriber in RDM field), DMX Address (Change DMX address),
Device Info (RDM standard information), Device Label (subscriber info text), Device Hours (subscriber
operating hours) Manufacturer and the sensors (temperature, rotational speeds).
RDM monitor
The operating status of the devices can be monitored in the RDM monitor of the controller.
As soon as a sensor value of the device leaves the admissible range of values, a corresponding note or
error message is displayed in the 2x16 LCD display of the unit.
to ON.
to get from the main level to the sub-menu item
key to display the RDM subscribers. The subscribers are listed in ascending order
the RDM subscribers found in the search are displayed as follows:
New Discovery
Start. Press the Enter key
- GB -
and set the menu item
under the number
D#001 A001 Onl