Place a layer of five centimetres (about 25 litres) of Biolan bulk-
ing material on the bottom of the composter. Start using the
composter in the manner described in Chapter 5. When you are
putting waste into the composter for the first time, use more
bulking material than recommended – you can reduce the amount
later on.
4.1 Starting the composting process
The composting process starts when there is a sufficient amount
of waste in the bin; normally this happens when the mass starts
to cover the air channels inside the bin. Regularly adding waste to
the composter keeps the composting process active.
The micro-organism population that will develop inside the com-
poster increases and maintains the temperature in the bin as it
decomposes waste. The thermal insulation in the body of the
composter keeps the heat in and prevents the outdoor air from
cooling the compost mass. In Quick Composter 500, the temper-
ature of the mass varies between +10–70 degrees centigrade.
A very common thermometer reading is +30–40 degrees. Note
that the temperature gauge (part 12) measures the temperature
above the air channels. The temperature gauge provides indica-
tive information on the phases of composting and the tempera-
tures of the high-temperature phase.
Waste will compost as long as there is enough oxygen and the
temperature stays above 0 °C. The quality of the compost mass
emptied from the bin is the best indicator of the functioning of
the composter. If the composter is working properly, the waste
will have fully decomposed, except for waste such as citrus fruit
peels or eggshells, which may still be identifiable in the mass.
Once the process has started, the waste will turn into cover soil in
approximately five to eight weeks. The start of the process may
be slower if the outdoor temperature is less than 0°C.
The composter is intended for biodegradable materials only. Do
not place anything in the composter that could impede the com-
posting process or will not turn into compost, such as:
• Plastic, rubber, glass, leather
• Chemicals, wood preservatives and disinfectants, paints, sol-
vents, petrol
• detergents, washing water
• Lime
• Ash, cigarette butts, matches
• Hoover bags
• Coloured advertisement paper
• Large quantities of paper
5.1 How to use the Quick Composter 500
• Open the daily use lid when emptying biowaste containers
into the composter. Please note that the larger the pieces of
waste you put into the composter, the longer it will take for
them to compost.
• If you use biodegradable rubbish bags, empty the content of
the bag into the composter and put the bag in separately. Bio-
degradable bags may create oxygen-free layers in the com-
post mass, which may interfere with the composting process.
• Always cover the waste with Biolan bulking material. Usually
the proper amount is approximately one-third to a half of the
amount of new waste deposited in the composter. If the waste
is wet, use more of the bulking material.
• You can also place bulking material at the bottom of the bio-
waste container to help keep the container cleaner.
• Continue filling the compost as biowaste is generated. Try to
add more waste to the composter several times a week. This
is especially important during the cold season.
• Stir the most recent portion of the added waste (about 20–
30 cm from the mass surface) with the compost mixer (ac-
cessory, sold separately). You do not need to mix the compost
every time you add waste. The more bulking material you use,
the less mixing the mass requires.
• If necessary, you can lift the entire lid from the top of the unit
for maintenance.
• Do not mix the entire compost mass all the way down to the
bottom to prevent the already cooled lowermost layers from
cooling down the compost mass that is in the high-tempera-
ture phase.
5.2 Emptying
• Empty the composter when it is almost full. It is recom-
mended that Quick Composter 500 is emptied all year round.
Emptying often raises the temperature of the mass due to the
increased oxygen. When emptying the composter, remove the
most decomposed compost mass that no longer generates
heat through decomposition.
• In the wintertime, only remove a little bit of the compost mass
at a time. In the summertime, you can remove more, but al-
ways empty at the most half of the compost mass.
• Push and turn the latches on the emptying hatch (part 18) up-
wards. Open the emptying hatch (part 4) and remove some of
the mass from the bottom of the composter with a shovel.
• In particular, clean the edges of the emptying hatch and open-
• Also clean the liquid separation plate and seep liquid opening
and make sure that the seep liquid hose is not blocked.
• If the compost mass you removed was very wet, add a few
shovelfuls of Biolan bulking material on the bottom of the
• Close the emptying hatch.
• Press down on the remaining mass with a compost mixer (ac-
cessory, sold separately) or shovel from above. If the mass in
the middle is drier, push that portion of the mass down first.
Be careful not to break the air channels in the middle of the
composter or the thermometer above them.
• Empty the seep liquid container, if necessary.
5.3 Issues to be taken into account during the
cold season
The composting waste generates heat inside the composter; the
device itself does not generate any heat. Micro-organisms re-
quire fresh waste regularly to maintain their vital functions. The
thermal insulation of Quick Composter 500 prevents the heat
from escaping and, thus, promotes the operation of the com-
poster and prevents the compost mass from freezing.
• Regular use of the composter, i.e. filling and emptying, is very
important during the cold season. It is the only way to keep the
conditions inside the composter favourable for the micro-or-
ganisms to keep the temperature inside the composter higher
than the outside temperature.
• Even if the composter's temperature gauge shows zero de-
grees for a few days, there might still be unfrozen mass inside
the composter. Do not stop using the composter. If the com-
poster is full, empty some of the mass also in the wintertime.
• Do not reduce the amount of bulking material or stop using
bulking material altogether during the cold season, as using
plenty of bulking material is especially important when it is
cold as wet compost mass will freeze up more easily.
• Store the bulking material in a warm space where it is pro-
tected from the rain.
• Make sure that the inlet and outlet air valve (parts 13 and 8)
of the composter do not freeze over, as it would prevent prop-
er ventilation of the composter. Remove any ice.
• The composter, its parts or the compost mass will not be dam-
aged if the compost mass does freeze over. The decomposi-
tion of compost mass will continue at the latest in spring when
the weather warms up.
5.4 Cleaning Quick Composter 500
• Normally, you do not need to wash the composter. Various
moulds and ray fungi are important decomposing organisms
in the compost, and you should not wash them away.
• If necessary, clean the lid latch (part 6).