Craftsman 247.88255.1 Manual De Instrucciones página 17

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Enginefails to start
Chokenot inON position.
!. MoveCh eketo ONpositionl
2. Spaikp!ugwiredisconneoted.
2. Connectwire to sparkp!ug,
3, Fueltank ernptyor stale fue!.
3. Fill tank with clean,fresh gasoline.
4, Enginenotprimed.
4 Prme eng ne as instruCted in QpeiatingYoUr
5 Faiit sark
5 ceanadjustgaPorrepaee
y p
p g.
61 aloCkedfuellinel
6. €leanfue!!ine,
7. Safety key not in ignitionon engine•
7. Insertkeyfully intothe switch,
Engine runs erratic
1. Unit runningon CHOKE.
2. Blockedfuel line or stalefuel.
3. Water or dirt in fuelsystem.
4. Carburetor out of adjustment.
1. Movechokeleverto OFF position.
2. Cleanfuel line;fill tankwith clean, fresh gasoline.
3. Drainfuel tank. Refillwith freshfuel.
4. Contact SearsParts & RepairCenter.
1. Carburetornotadjustedproperly•
1. ContactSearsParts & Service Center•
1. Loosepartsor damagedauger.
1. Stopengine immediately and disconnectspark
plugwire. Tightenall bolts and nuts. If vibration
continues,haveunit servicedbya SearsParts &
Loss of power
i. spark p!ugWire!_ose:
i. connect andtighten sparkp!ugWirel
2. Gascapventholeplugged•
2. Removeice and snowfrom gas cap. Be certain
Unit fails to propel itself
1. Drivecontrolcable in need of adjustment.
2. Drivebelt looseor damaged.
3, Contact SearsParts & RepairCenter.
1. Adjustdrive controlcable.Referto Adjustments.
2. Replacedrivebelt.
Unit fails to discharge Snow
1, Chute assemblyclogged.
!. Stopengine immediately and disconnectspark
plug wire, O!ganchute assemb!yand insideof
auger housingWith€lean-outtool or a sticL
21 Foreigi object iodged n augerl
2, stop engine immediate!y and disconnectspaik
plug wire. Removeobject from augerwith clean-
out tool or a stick.
& Augeicable in needof adjustment•
3' Referto seivice & Adjustmentssecti°nl
& Auger belt iooseor damaged.
4, Refeitoserviee&Adjustmentssectionl
5, Shearpin(s)sheared.
5. Replacewith newshearpin(s),
NOTE: This section addressesminor service issues. For further details, contact Sears service information line by calling