Craftsman 247.88255.1 Manual De Instrucciones página 16

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

If the snowthrowerwill notbe usedfor 30 days or longer,or if it is the end of the snowseasonwhenthe last possibilityof snow isgone,the
equipmentneedsto be stored properly.Followstorageinstructionsbelowto ensuretop performancefromthe snow throwerfor many moreyears.
Preparing Engine
It is importantto preventgumdepositsfrom formingin essentialfuel
systemparts of the enginesuch as the carburetor, f uel filter,fuel hose,
or tank duringshort-termstorage(15-30days).To preventthis,treat
the fuelsystemusinga fuel stabalizer.
Fuelstabilizer(such as STA-BIL
T M)
is an accept-
able alternativein minimizingthe formationof fuelgum depositsduring
storage.Add stabilizerto gasolinein fueltank or storagecontainer.
Alwaysfollow mix ratiofoundon stabilizercontainer.Runengine at
least 10 minutesafter addingstabilizerto allowit to reachthe carbure-
WARNING:Neverstore snowthrower with fuel in
tank indoorsor in poorlyventilatedareas, where
fuel fumes may reachan openflame, sparkor pilot
light as on a furnace, waterheater,clothesdryeror
gas appliance.
Preparing Snow Thrower
,, Whenstoringthe snow throwerin an unventilatedor metalstorage
shed, careshouldbe taken to rustprooftheequipment.Usinga
light oil or silicone,coat the equipment,especiallyanychains,
springs,bearingsand cables.
,, Removeall dirtfrom exteriorof engineand equipment.
,, Follow lubricationrecommendations.
,, Storeequipmentin a clean,dry area.
CAUTION:Alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol
or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture
which leads to separation and formation of acids
during storage. Acidic gas can damagethe fuel
system of an engine while in storage.
Toavoidengineproblems,thefuel systemshouldbe emptiedbefore
storagefor 30 daysor longer.
WARNING:Fuel left in engineduring warm weather
deteriorates and will causeserious starting prob-
1. Runthe engineuntilthe fuel tank is emptyand it stops due to lack
of fuel. Do notattemptto pourfuel fromthe engine.
WARNING:Never use engineor carburetorcleaning
productsin the fuel tank or permanent damage may
2. Removethe spark plug and pourone (1) ounceof engineoil
throughthe spark plug hole intothe cylinder.Coverspark plug hole
with a rag and crankthe engineseveraltimesto distributethe oil.
Replacespark plug.