Craftsman 247.88255.1 Manual De Instrucciones página 10

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Before Starting Engine
Engine Oil
Theengine isshippedwithoil in it.Checktheoil level b eforefirst use.
Forsubsequentfill-ups,usethe grade of engineoil specifiedon page
14.To add oil:
1. Removethe dipstickfrom the oil fill. Pourfresh oil slowlythrough
the plug.Replacedipstick.
2. Checkand makesurethat the levelof oil is up to the FULLmarkon
the dipstick.
WARNING:Gasolineisflammable and cautionmust
be used when handlingor storingit. Do not fill fuel
tank while the snow thrower is running, when it is
hot or when it is in an enclosed area.
WARNING: Keep your snow thrower away from any
open flame or an electricalspark and do not smoke
during fueling.
1. Neverfill the fueltank completely.Fill the tank to no morethan 1/2
inch belowbottomof filler neckto providespacefor expansionof
NOTE:This unit may includea fuel plug,which isonly usedduring
assemblyto keepdirt and debrisout of fuel tank. Discardthefuel plug
beforefillingthe fuel tank.
2. Alwaysuseclean, fresh,unleadedgrade automotive gasoline.Fill
the fueltank outdoorsand usea funnelor spoutto preventspilling.
Makesurethat the containerfrom which you pourthe gasolineis
cleanand freefrom rust or otherforeignparticles.Make sureto
wipeoff anyspilledfuel beforestartingthe engine.
3. At the end of thejob, emptythe fueltank if the snowthroweris not
goingto be usedfor 30 daysor longer.Storegasolinein a clean
containerand keepthe cap in placeon the container.
CAUTION:Never use engineor carburetor cleaner products in
the fuel tank.
To Start Engine
WARNING: Be sure no one other than the operator
is standing near the snow thrower while starting or
operating. Do not operate this snow thrower unless
the chute assembly has been properly installedand
is secured.
NOTE: Forlocationof all the enginecontrolsreferredto in this section,
referto Figure7.
For A Cold Start
1. Makesurethat auger and drivecontrolsare released.Attachspark
plug wireto spark plug.
2. Turnfuel valveon, if so equipped.
3. Movethrottlecontrolto FASTposition.
4. Pushkeyintotheignition slotsothatitsnapsintoplace. D onotturnkey.
5. Rotatechoke controlto FULLchoke position.
6. Pushprimerbuttonwhilecoveringthe vent hole.Removeyour
fingerfrom the primerbetweenprimes.Donot primeif temperature
is above500F; primetwo timesbetween500F and 150 F; and
primefour timesbelow150R
7. Graspstarterhandleand pull ropeout slowlyuntilengine reaches
start of compression cycle (ropewill pull slightlyharderat this
point). Let the roperewindslowly.
8. Pull ropewith a rapid,continuous,full armstroke.Keepinga firm
grip on the starterhandle,let the rope returnto thestarterslowly.
Repeat untilenginestarts.
9. As the enginewarmsup,rotate thechoke knobslowlyto OFF
position.If theenginefalters, returnto FULLchoke,thenslowly
moveto OFFchoke position.
10.Allowthe engineto warm up for a few minutesbecausethe engine
will not developfull poweruntilit reachesoperatingtemperature.
11.Operatethe engineat fullthrottle(FAST)whenthrowingsnow.
For A Warm
1. If restartingan engineafter a temporaryshut- down,rotatechoke
to OFF insteadof FULLand do notprime. Pull starterhandleas
Before Stopping
1. Runenginefora fewminutesto helpdryoff anymoistureon engine.
2. Toavoidpossible freeze-up of the starter, f ollowthesesteps:
Recoil Starter
a. With the enginerunning,pull thestarterrope with a rapid,
continuousfullarm strokethreeor four times.
To Stop The Snow Thrower
1. Tostop the wheels,releasethe drivecontrol.
2. Tostop throwingsnow,releasetheauger control.
3. Tostop engine,pushthrottlecontrolleverto OFF and pull out the
key.Do notturn key.
of muffler and the
areas may exceed150 ° F. Avoid these areas
Clearing The Snow
CAUTION:Checkthe areato be clearedforforeignobjects.Remove
foreignobjects,if any.
1. Start the enginefollowingstartinginstructions.
2. Allowthe engineto warm up for a few minutesas the enginewill
not developfull poweruntilit reachesoperatingtemperature.
3. Rotatethe chuteassemblyto the desireddirection,awayfrom
bystandersand/or buildings.
4. Makingcertain no bystandersor obstaclesare in front of the unit,
squeezetheauger controlcompletelyagainstthe upperhandleto
fully engagethe augers.
5. Whilethe augercontrol is engaged,squeezethe drivecontrol
completelyagainstthe upperhandle toengagethe wheels.Do not
"feather"the drivecontrol.