Explanation and overview of pictograms used
The most important pictograms attached on the machine. Always make sure that the machine has the necessary
pictograms and that they are visible and in good condition.
Read the manual carefully
and understand the
contents before using the
Mandatory safety shoes
Mandatory safety helmet
Mandatory safety glasses
Turn the key to position 2
and hold for 2 seconds for
turn on the machine
Charging of the machine
The most important information: Read the user
manual, Maximum 10 degrees incline, Maximum
5 degrees across an incline, Do not go further
down than the machine on inclines, Do not drive
with the scissors up, Do not use the machine to
transport people or animals. Operation of the
Pictogram overview
This product complies
with relevant directives
and harmonizing
Danger of crushing
Do not stand by the side of
machine during use
Attachment points
Break release. In case of
emergency pull the break