The first step is to select the most suitable earpiece for the patient being
examined. The probe, with the selected earpiece attached, is then introduced into
the auditory canal of the patient and inserted deep enough to ensure a pressure-
tight fit. If the probe is detected as being correctly inserted in the ear of the
patient, with a compliance measurement that is stable and within the specified
range, the test will begin automatically; alternatively, the start of the test can be
The test's progress is displayed via a progress bar: once the test is under way, the
instrument raises the pressure in the ear canal to the established maximum
positive value, whereupon the recording of the tympanogram will commence and
continue until the pressure drops to the minimum value. After a pressurized scan,
if a pressure-tight closure is properly ensured, the instrument displays the
completed tympanometry.
In the event of pressure losses being detected, the instrument will repeat the
pressurized scan up to three times before generating an alert to indicate that there
is a problem Should it prove impossible to conduct the test as the result of
pressure loss, the problem may be overcome by replacing the earpiece with
another of different size and/or adjusting the position and angle of the probe in
the auditory canal.
Probe tone selection
Force the tympanometry to start.