Initial Web interface logon
Proceed as follows when logging on to the Web inter-
face for the first time:
1. Determine the host name
The host name consists of a defined device desig-
nation ("HDM-SMART-CONNECT-") and the last six
characters of the MAC address on the communica-
tion module
(Fig. 8).
2. Open the internet browser on your computer, prefer-
ably Google Chrome.
3. Enter https:// in your browser's address bar, followed
by the host name.
Example: "https://HDM-SMART-CONNECT-F431F2"
If you cannot establish a connection to your charging
system, you can use the charging system's IP address
as detected by the router and enter it in the address
bar instead.
4. Owing to the secure data connection to the backend
and app, a message informing you that the security
certificate for your PC/laptop is classified as untrust-
worthy will appear on the first program call via the
Web interface. To avoid this, you can confirm the link
to your charging system via the extended display.
5. Initial logon
Enter the user name "admin" and the password
on the start page of the Web interface to access
the next level. The initial password (Login) is stored
on the communication module.
The charging system is delivered
with the factory setting "DHCP-ON".
Open-source software
Certain software libraries and other software programs
are third-party software belonging to the supply scope
of the AMPERFIED software. The right to use them is
subject to the respective provisions of the open-source
licensing contracts.
You can obtain a complete, machine-readable copy of
the source code for such open-source software (subject
to the applicable provisions) by ordering it in writing
from AMPERFIED. The copy itself is free of charge,
but the costs for data carriers, despatch and adminis-
trative expenses will be invoiced. Simply specify your
AMPERFIED software version to obtain a copy of the
source code from: AMPERFIED GmbH
Hotline: +49 6222 82-2266