- Stability criteria for pH and mV measurement
The measured signal should not change by more than 0.03 mV in 8 seconds or by more than 0.1 mV in 30
The measured signal should not change by more than 0.1 mV in 6 seconds.
The measured signal should not change by more than 0.6 mV in 4 seconds.
- Stability criterion for ion measurement
The measured signal should not change by more than 0.03 mV in 12 seconds or by more than 0.08 mV in
26 seconds.
The measured signal should not change by more than 0.08 mV in 8 seconds.
The measured signal should not change by more than 0.3 mV in 4 seconds.
Ion Measurement Units
The unit (mmol/L, mol/L, ppm, mg/L or %) for measurements and calibration can be defined.
In some cases, changing units requires the user to first recalibrate before starting a measurement, otherwise an
error message will appear.
The units of measurement are divided into two groups: 1. mmol/L, mol/L and 2. ppm, mg/L, %. Changing
within a group doesn't require recalibration, but changing between the two groups does.
Rel. mV Offset
In the rel. mV mode the offset value is subtracted from the measured value. Either an offset value can be
entered or it can be determine by measuring the mV of a reference sample.
Offset value
Enter an offset value in mV between -1999.9 and +1999.9 mV.
Test a reference sample
1 Place electrode into the reference sample.
2 Press Start to begin the reference measurement and wait until the measurement display freezes.
— or —
3 Press READ to manually end the measurement.
4 Press Save to enter the measured mV value as offset into the meter.
6.6 DO measurement settings
The stability criterion for dissolved oxygen measurements endpoints if the signal changes less than 0.052 nA
in 30 seconds.
SevenGo Duo pro™
Menus and settings 21