The body position during the elctrostimulation session depends on the body part involved and on
the program type that is being carried out. During the treatment execution with high intensities,
we suggest blocking the limbs in order to work in isometry. For instance, if you want to treat the
quadriceps with a strength program, we suggest carrying out the treatment while sitting with the
foot blocked, in order to avoid an involuntary leg extension during the contraction phase.
For all the programs that do not imply high intensity (massages, decontracting, drainage pro-
grams) the body position is not important, as long as it is comfortable.
In the following pages of this manual you can find the images with the correct electrode positio-
ning for tens treatments. If the localization of your pain is not included in the images represented,
you can position the electrodes by forming a "square" on the painful area. Here's an example.
Following is a short description of the programs provided by the electrostimulator.
WARM-UP: Increases muscular temperature for better training preparation. Increases the blood
flow to and metabolism of the muscle. Recommended before training ses-
sions or competitions.
Intensity: low or intermediate.
MAXIMUM STRENGTH: Improves maximal force capability and increases
muscular mass. Allows training with maximum load and reduced trauma
as compared to classical training. Recommended for activities re-
quiring great physical strength. Also useful during the early preparation pe-
riod as it trains the muscles to receive significant stress.
Intensity: maximum, at pain threshold limit. During active Rest, adjust the intensity to obtain
comfortable contractions.
ENDURANCE STRENGTH: Improves the ability to display a high level of force for an extended
period of time and to resist toxin accumulation, thus delaying muscular fatigue. The program in-
volves a long series of lengthy contractions, alternated with brief active rest. Recommended for
sports requiring intense muscular work for an extended period of time.
Intensity: intermediate or maximum. Active Rest should induce muscular vibrations.
EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH: The Explosive Force program increases the ability to rapidly achieve
maximum levels of force. The objective is to recruit the maximum number of muscle fibers in the
shortest time possible. It is recommended to begin with a Maximal Force program to prepare
the muscle for the Explosive Force program. Recommended in all sports requiring maximal force
under natural load conditions, such as sprints, ball sports, and alpine skiing. Intensity: maximum
muscular contraction at pain threshold limit. Active Rest should induce muscular vibrations.
DECONTRACTING: Enables effective muscle relaxation thanks to the pleasant contractions that
increase blood circulation. These programs can be used whenever muscular relaxation is needed.
Intensity: low to intermediate.
CAPILLARIZATION: Increases the blood flow to the muscle and improves muscle resistance and
recovery. An increased arterial capacity keeps the primary and secondary capillary network acti-
ve, thus improving the tissue oxygenation system. This delays fatigue during very intense work.
Capillarization programs are particularly recommended for sports requiring resistance force and
Intensity: intermediate.
POST-COMPETITION/TRAINING ACTIVE RECOVERY: Improves recovery from muscular fatigue
after training or competitions and enables easier training resumption. The stimulation varies from
muscular vibrations to light contractions. This allows greater circulation and reduced muscular
Rev.4 22.06.2018