The electrodes supplied are designed for use with a single patient adhesive, pregelados with
female cable. They are CE marked according to directive 93/42 / EEC on medical devices. All
information provided may be subject to change without notice.
It indicates the dimensions of the electrode
It indicates the number of electrodes contained in the package
It indicates the product code
It refers to product certification and indicates that it complies
with directive 2001/95/EC updated as 2014/357/EU
It indicates the storage temperature of the electrodes
1. Clean and degrease the skin.
Do not apply the electrode on wounds or injured skin.
3. Connect the cable connector to the electrode
4. Remove the electrode.
5. Apply on the skin.
6. Start the program.
7 . At the end, turn off and put the electrode back
in the package.
Rev.4 22.06.2018
INPUT: It indicates the value of the mains voltage for the power supply unit.
- Indicates the power supply unit outbound voltage
- Indicates the maximum power value of the magnetic field emitted by
the device
- Indicates the range of frequencies of the magnetic field emitted by the
Indicates the device type; power supply model unit of the device; battery
pack inside the device
8. Electrodes are for personal use.
9. Do not remove the electrode by grabbing the
10. Electrodes should not touch each other.
11. Do not apply the electrodes on the temples,
the neck and in a transthoracic way.
12. Do not leave the electrodes in the car.