Cl: 98%
C1: 1.21ppm
pH: 6.7
→Menu Access to the pH Menu
You can access the pH menu from the main menu by pressing OK
pH + -
pH ON/OFF pH Adjustment
Go to the main menu, select "pH" and in the pH menu that is displayed, select "pH +-"
Use the butt ons ↑↓ to adjust the required pH and confi rm with "OK". Calibration of the pH probe
To calibrate the probe, prepare a glass with clean water. Remove the probe from the storage liquid, shake off
the liquid and sti r it in the water. Shake it again to remove the water. Dry with a clean cloth, without rubbing.
In the control, go to "Menu" – "pH" – Calibrati on. The 1st line of the display indicates "pH cal. = 7" .
Submerge the probe in the pH7 standard soluti on and sti r for a few seconds. The second line of the display
indicates the measured value of pH. Wait unti l the reading stabilizes and then wait for at least one more
minute. Press the "OK" butt on.
pH cal. = 7
pH = 7 . 0
Pulse OK
pH cal. = 7
cuando estabilice
pH = 7 . 0
Pulse OK
The fi rst line of the screen now asks you to use the pH4 standard soluti on. Remove the probe from the fi rst
pH cal. = 4
cuando estabilice
soluti on, shake it and pass it through the water. Remove this water by shaking the probe again. Finish rinsing
pH =
it gently with a clean cloth, without rubbing. Submerge it in the pH4 standard soluti on.
Pulse OK
pH cal. = 4
Calibración OK
pH =
Pulse OK
Calibración OK
7 . 3
Wait unti l the reading stabilizes and then wait for at least one more minute. Press the "OK" butt on. The
message "Calibrati on OK" will appear.
7 . 3
Press "OK". If an error message appears, it could be because a probe is dirty (see maintenance) or faulty, or
because of contaminated standard soluti ons or a faulty connecti on. Carry out two calibrati ons for a bett er
reading of pH.
If you have entered the calibrati on programme by error, exit it by pressing "OK" several ti mes. The error
message appears and the previous calibrati on remains unaltered.
Relé OFF
16 : 20
4 . 1
4 . 1
cuando estabilice
pH cal. = 4
pH =
Pulse OK
Calibración OK
7 . 3
ON ↓
4 . 1
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