Select this mode only if you have a Temperature probe kit. If you do not have one, the
equipment will not operate correctly in the semi-automati c mode.
This work mode enables you to determine the daily hours of operati on of the salt water
chlorinator based on the volume in m3 of the pool and the water temperature. Once they have
been reached, the chlorinator will stop although the fi ltering pump will conti nue to operate.
Bear in mind that the equipment makes an approximate calculati on of chlorine which it has to
produce, based on two known parameters. However, other factors are not considered, such as
the consumpti on of chlorine caused by the number of bathers per day.
Select this mode only if you are using a Klereo system with K-Link connecti on. Cleaning
The equipment includes an automati c cleaning system, based on reversing polarity in the
electrolysis cell. These cleaning cycles are performed regularly. The ti me between cleaning (in
hours) can be adjusted depending on the water hardness of your swimming pool.
It is possible to select cleaning intervals from 1 to 8 hours. Acid / Alkaline
With this opti on you can select the type of pH corrector to be used in your swimming pool.
Att enti on:
It should be selected correctly otherwise the dosing system will work opposite to expected.
• Acid: Select this mode if you are going to inject pH reducer into the swimming pool (default
• Alkaline: Select this mode if you need to inject pH increaser into the swimming pool.
Access this opti on from the "Confi gurati on menu". To change this mode to another one, press
OK and confi rm the change of mode by selecti ng "S" and then press OK again. pH Alarm
The pH adjustment system will give an alarm and the dosing pump will stop operati ng when the
pump works conti nuously for more than 2 hours.
This could occur for the following reasons:
• The acid tank is empty and therefore pH corrector is not being injected into the swimming
• The pH probe is dirty or worn, and cannot read the real value correctly.
However, what could occur, parti cularly when starti ng up the equipment for the fi rst ti me, is
that the real pH of the water is a long way from the set value. The alarm can be disabled if it
is calculated that the pump needs to work conti nuously for several hours to correct the pH.
However it is recommended to enable the alarm once values near the set values are reached.