48 Volume of the swimming pool
Confi gure the volume of your swimming pool in m3, if the equipment is to work in semi-automati c mode.
The daily chlorinati on ti me will be calculated based on this parameter and the water temperature.
Whenever the value is changed, on exiti ng the menu the screen will display the minimum fi ltering ti me the
pump should work.
Tiempo filtro
> 2h 23min
Pulse OK
If at the end of the day, the fi ltering pump operates for less ti me than sti pulated by the equipment for an
opti mum level of chlorine in the water, the equipment will display a warning message.
→-o-o- ON (n.o.)
-o o- OFF (n.c.) Location of the swimming pool
→Produción cl.
The swimming pool may be installed outdoors or indoors. Functi on changes between INDOOR and
OUTDOOR when the OK key is pressed.
With this functi on, the equipment automati cally reduces producti on to ½ if it is an indoor pool to avoid
excess chlorine.
Calibración Cover
Tiempo filtro
The equipment may detect the presence of a cover on the swimming pool (only for automati c covers). In
this case, it is only necessary to place the limit switch of the cover in the terminal block, as indicated in the
> 2h 23min
secti on on electrical installati on.
On placing the cover, the chlorinator automati cally reduces producti on to 20%. This variati on will not be
Pulse OK
refl ected in the producti on %, but the lett er "C" will be displayed on the right side of producti on in the main
screen. This will indicate that the cover is acti vated.
→-o-o- ON (n.o.)
-o o- OFF (n.c.)
→Produción cl.
Att enti on:
This work mode only aff ects the semi-automati c operati on mode.
If chlorinati on is carried out with the cover in place, when it is removed, the pool should
not be used straightaway. It is bett er to wait ½ hour for any vapours between the water and
cover to dissipate.