3.1.1 Functional parts:
Demand valve type A or BN with audible warning device (par. 3.3.6)
Pressure reducer type RB with alarm and high and medium pressure gauges (par. 3.3.3). The RB
reducer is a functional part of the apparatus that are fed by cylinders (Cylinders may be carried on
trolleys or fixed in a cylinder pack).
Mask: TR82A – TR2002 A – TR2002 BN.(par. 3.3.7)
8x17 medium pressure hose with quick safety couplings connecting the air source to the demand
valve/mask assembly (par. 3.3.4)
Supporting waist belt (par. 3.3.5)
3.1.2 Air source
cylinder/s of different capacity and filling pressure (par 3.3.2). The air must be reduced to the
working pressure of the attached parts (tubes + demand valve + mask)
3.1.3 RC Accessories/components available on demand
The following parts are available on demand but not necessary for normal use
Trolley: some of the functional parts and accessories may be mounted on a trolley. Trolleys come
in two different sizes depending on the capacity of the cylinders (par. 3.3.7)
Switch over device (4 way valve) (par. 3.3.8)
Back Up system EN 137 (BU EN 137) (par. 4.1)
Functional parts
Demand valve type A or BN with audible warning device (par. 3.3.6)
Mask: TR82A – TR2002 A – TR2002 BN.(par. 3.3.7)
8x17 medium pressure hose with quick safety couplings connecting the air source to the demand
valve/mask assembly (par. 3.3.4)
Supporting waist belt (3.3.5)
3.2.2 Air source
Medium pressure compressed air line at 5.5 bar
3.2.3 RL Accessories /components
The following parts are available on demand but not necessary for normal use
Pressure reducer type RB with alarm and high and medium pressure gauges (par. 3.3.3). The RB
reducer is a functional part of the apparatus that are fed by cylinders (Cylinders may be carried on
trolleys or fixed in a cylinder pack) but it is no needed when the air is supplied by a medium
pressure source.
Switch over device (4 way valve) (par. 3.3.8)
Back Up system EN 137 (BU EN 137) (par. 4.1)
3.3.1 Two wheel trolley (1)
The trolley is available in two different dimensions depending on the capacity of the cylinders used.
The bigger one is designed to carry one or two 50 lt cylinders , the smaller is designed to carry two or four
cylinders having a capacity srom 6 to 9 liters.
The trolley is provided with a reel for up to 50 metre of 8x17 hose
Both models have a side attachment for a second man, the bigger trolley is also provided with a container
for outfits and of an hook for holding the second hose.
If more than one cylinder is mounted on a trolley make sure that they all have same dimensions
and capacity in order to grant stability of the system
In case of separate purchasing of cylinder always check with Spasciani that the dimensions of the
cylinder you want to mount on the trolley is compatible with the fixing systems on the trolley
3.3.2 Cylinder(s) (2)
See general description and technical data of some of the models available in our range in par. 5.