5. Troubleshooting
General malfunctions
JLA-e cannot be switched on
JLA-e cannot be moved or only
on one side
If repairs become necessary after years of extreme use, we will give you a cost estimate and repair the system on short notice
and at low cost. Address information can be found on the rear side of the operating instructions.
Poor starting conditions, battery malfunction, high battery temperature
The battery voltage is lower than
98% Unom of deep-discharging
Battery disconnected without
ending the charging operation with
the STOP key.
Battery temperature >TbatMAX:
• If the battery temperature is higher
than the defined setpoint when
connecting to the charging device,
the charging operation is not initiated
• If the temperature exceeds this
value during the charging operati-
on, the charging current is reduced
to the input value and the charging
process is continued. Once the tem-
perature has dropped to (TbatMAX-
2)°C, the charging current increa-
ses again to the input value I1.
© JUNG Hebe- und Transporttechnik GmbH
Electrically driven trolleys JLA-e 5/12 G with stroke and JLA-e 15/30 G with stroke
1 Dead battery
2 Battery plug is not connected to the JLA-e Connect plug
3 Battery defective
Emergency Stop button on the radio
remote control is pressed
No connection between the radio remote
control and JLA-e
6 Motor(s) do not work
E1x Cause
• Battery was too greatly discharged
during operation
• Incorrect settings
• Incorrect calibration of the charging device
• Impermissible disconnection of battery
during the charging operation
• Temperature of the battery environment
too high
• Charging and discharging cycles run
without breaks in continuous sequence
• Current too high when charging the
Charge battery
Replace battery
Pull the Emergency Stop button
Connect the radio remote control to the JLA-e
Change the battery in the radio remote
Pull the Emergency Stop button
Change the fuse
Check cable
Pay attention to switch-on duration
Motors are overloaded, pay attention to
load centre of gravity
• Check the electrolyte status
• Discharge to max. 80% of the battery
• Check charging device setting
• Recalibrate the charging device
• To end the charging operation,
always press the STOP key
• Reduce ambient temperature
• Longer breaks between the charging and
discharging of the battery
• Check the charging device setting
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