1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing our hotty LED
wax dipping unit.
Please observe the following notices, they
will help provide you a long and problem
free lifetime of your wax dipping unit.
2. Application area
The hotty LED is an electronically regu-
lated wax dipping pot. It is ideally suited
for melting and retaining any conventional
dipping wax.
The hotty LED shows its quality in use
when it comes to the following points:
The precise temperature control
(+/- 2 °C [3.6 °F]) provides you with a very
constant quality of copings. Together with
the heating unit, which reacts to the envi-
ronmental temperature, this excludes the
possibility of over heating and consequent
damage to the dipping wax.
Please be aware that the initial heating
process is very gentle to the dipping wax
and it may take some time before the wax
if fully melted. Thanks to a slow continual
increase of the working temperature,
there is no chance that the temperature
inside the pot will exceed the set point.
The hotty LED offers you optimal work‑
ing conditions. The housing is designed
to let both left and right-handed people
rest their hand on the working table whilst
dipping. In addition, the lid of the wax-dip-
ping unit can be moved completely out of
the working area.
2.1 Environmental conditions
(In accordance with EN 61010-1)
The unit may only be operated:
• Indoors;
• Up to an altitude of 2,000 m [6,500 ft]
above sea level;
hotty LED
No. 1461-0000 / No. 1461-1000
• At an ambient temperature of 5 - 40 °C
[41 - 104 °F]
• At a maximum relative humidity of 80 %
at 31 °C [87.8 °F], decreasing linearly to
50 % relative humidity at 40 °C [104°F]
• With a mains power supply where cur-
rent fluctuations do not exceed 10 % of
the nominal value;
• Under level 2 contamination conditions;
• Under overvoltage category II
*) Between 5 – 30 °C [41 - 86 °F], the unit can be
operated at a relative humidity of up to 80 %. At
temperatures between 31 - 40 °C [87.8 - 104 °F],
the humidity must decrease proportionally in order
to ensure operational readiness (e.g., at 35 °C
[95 °F] = 65 % humidity; at 40 °C [104 °F] = 50 %
humidity). The unit may not be operated at tempera-
tures above 40 °C [104 °F].
3. Safety Information
hotty LED is an electrical appli‑
ance with a danger potential.
This appliance may be connect‑
ed / used only by authorized and
qualified persons after checking
its conformity with respect to the
national norms.
Before initial use, check the
voltage recommendations on the
name plate (rear side of the unit)
and compare with the mains
Units with damaged power ca‑
bles or other defects are not to
be used.
Mains supply cable (C) must be
unrolled when in use (danger
of over heating in the event of
short circuit).
Molten wax can cause severe
burns to the skin. Do not move
the unit once in operation.
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