Intelligent Networking & Internet Solutions
support use telnet via FTP, no other else upgrade function.)
Appendix A FAQ List
1. What is the default administrator password to login to the gateway?
A: By default, your default username is "admin", default password is "admin" to login to the router. For security, you should modify the password to
protect your gateway against hacker attacks.
2. I forgot the administrator password. What should I do?
A: Press the Reset button on the rear panel for over 5 seconds to reset all settings to default values. Default username / password is admin /
3. What is the default IP address?
A: The default WAN IP address is with subnet mask
4. What is different [set to default] and [Factory set to default]?
A: Factory set to default, you must push RST button until 5 second, gateway will clear all your setting, and let gateway Wan port become the factory
default ( When you use setting to default by Web or telnet, it will clear all your setting, but the wan port setting will be saved. If you remote
the gateway, after set to default, you can login gateway again. No reset the gateway wan port again.
5. Why can I call out when the gateway under the NAT?
A: VoIP product almost has NAT Pass through problem. By SIP, there are many NAT Pass through Function can solve 80% NAT Problem. You can
choose STUN/Outbound Proxy/ Symmetric RTP to Pass through NAT, you don't set any other setting (DMZ/Virtual Server) by router side. If you use
STUN/Outbound Proxy, you must have a STUN/Outbound Proxy Server to support. If they can't pass NAT, please open the DMZ/Virtual Server by
6. Why does the one way talk happen?
A: Generally, one way talk happen when use the different codec between VoIP device make call. Please check and setting the same codec, most
one way talk will be solved.
7. Why I cant call out by Gateway?
A: Please check that your Gateway is registered SIP Proxy Server (ITSP), and chink your Internet works fine. Gateway can't make a call without
Internet or SIP Account that from ITSP supply. You must have a SIP account or know the other Gateway IP/Domain Name, then you can make a VoIP
8. Why I use asterisk by G.729 sometimes disconnect happen?
A: In asterisk setting VAD must disable, if you open Silence Compression (VAD), it will make call disconnect happen, please disable the option when
you use the asterisk.
9 Why can i register and use after setting?
A: After setting, please save configuration and reboot, after reboot you can use new configuration.