Check the Pads Sentry after each clinical use of the
FR3. If the Pads Sentry is dirty or contaminated,
remove it from the FR3 system case.
Clean the exterior of the Pads Sentry with a soft
cloth, and the interior with a cotton-tipped swab,
dampened with one of the following cleaning agents:
Do not use abrasive materials, cleaners, strong
solvents such as acetone or acetone-based cleaners,
or enzymatic cleaners.
If the Pads Sentry is damaged, it should be replaced.
Contact Philips and order REF: 989803150011.
Isopropyl alcohol (70% solution)
Soapy water
Chlorine bleach (30 ml/l water)
Ammonia-based cleaners
Glutaraldehyde-based cleaners
Hydrogen peroxide