K8M-800T/M Mainboard Manual
Frequency/Voltage Control
Auto Detect PCI Clk
When enabled, BIOS will detect the PCI slot slot. If no devices are installed,
the BIOS will auto disable its clock. The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Spread Spectrum
This feature allows you to disable the spread spectrum.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Load Optimized Defaults
This submenu is selected for default s ettings which provide the best system
Supervisor/User Password
To enable the Supervisor/User passwords, select the item from th e Standard
CMOS Setup. You will be prompted to create your own password. Type your
password up to eight characters and press Enter. You will be asked to confirm
th e p ass word. Typ e t he pas swo rd again an d p res s Enter. To dis able t he
password, press Enter twice when you are prompted to enter a password. A
message will appear, confirming the password is disabled.
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