K8M-800T/M Mainboard Manual
Security Option
Allows yo u to s et the secu rity level o f the system.The option s: Set up,
Allows you to decide if the system enters the APIC (Advanced Program-
mable Interrupt Controller) mode or not for more IRQs can be released.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
MPS Version Control For OS
With two CPUs are onboard (not a feature of this board) this feature allows
you to select Mult i-Processor Spec. (MPS) version co ntrol for OS when
the logo test executes. The options are: 1.1, 1.4.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
If your o perating system (OS) is OS/2, select the option OS2. Otherwise,
stay with the default setting Non-OS2.The options are: Non-OS2, OS2.
HDD S.M.A.R.T . Capability
S.M.A.R.T. stands for Self-Monitoring and Analys is Reporting Technol-
ogy which allows yo ur hard disk drive to report any read/write errors and
issues a warning with LDCM installed. The options: Disabled, Enabled.
Video BIOS Shadow
Enabling this feat ure will copy the v ideo BIOS to sh adow RAM, it will
improve the system performance. The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Full Screen LOGO Show
This decides wheth er or not the full screen logo is s hown during system
boot ups. The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
BIOS Guardian
It allows the system to prevent compu ter viruses. Users will need to dis-
able it to update BIOS. The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
NOTE: Please disable
to reflash BIOS.
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BIOS Guardian feature before you start