-DISTANCE: This shows the distance that you have
travelled since beginning the exercise. The distance is
calculated by using the estimated linear velocity (SPEED)
and the units displayed are kilometres and hectometres.
-CALORIES: This shows the estimated number of calories
that have been burnt off up until now. This calculation is
based on the energy being produced and the weight and
age values provided by the user.
-INCLINATION: This displays the machine's current level
of inclination. The machine has 15 levels of inclination (0
to 15). The degree of inclination can be changed by using
the incline Λ and incline V keys. At the end of the
exercise the machine returns to a 0 inclination level.
-PULSE: This shows the user's heart rate, assuming that
this information can be accessed through the hand-grip
sensors or the telemetric chest band. When both of these
are used together, priority is given to the telemetric chest
band. For more information about heart rate refer to the
section entitled: Pulse measurement; chest band and hand-
KEYPAD (Fig.3).
The function of each key is listed below.
This electronic monitor features a simple easy-to-use
keypad. The keypad consists of: (D) program keys; MP3
connection socket; (E) Fan; (F) Function keys; (G)
Number keys.
(D). – Program keys.- Manual; Program 2; Program 3;
Program 4; Program 5; Program 6; Program 7; Program 8;
User program (User); Test Man program; Test Woman
program; H.R.C (Heart Rate Constant) program.
Audio socket, MP3 socket.
(E) - Fan keys – Off / On;
(F) - Function keys– cool down; pause; reset; down▼;
enter; up▲; incline Λ; incline V; stop; quick / start;
; speed –. Are used to select a particular
exercise, enter requested data, control exercise exertion
levels and to finish the exercise.
(G) - Numeric keys.- (1- 0) are used to enter the data
requested by the monitor.
-cool down.- Gradual decrease key
When the speed exceeds 10 km/h, pressing the key will
slow the speed down by 40% over 40 seconds. When this
time has elapsed, the speed will drop by 40% over 40
seconds. When this time has elapsed, the speed will drop
by 50% over 30 seconds. Once this time is up, the
machine will stop.
When the speed is less than10 km/h, pressing the key will
slow the speed down by 50% over 30 seconds. When this
time has elapsed, the speed will drop by 50% over 30
seconds. Once this time is up, the machine will stop.
-reset.- Reset key. This is used to erase the data that have
been entered into the monitor when selecting a program.
-speed –.- Key for decreasing speed. When pressed during
exercise this key will decrease the speed of the machine by
one tenth of a kilometre per hour. The speed will continue
to decrease as long as this button is being pressed. During
the selection of pre-programmed profiles, it is used to move
back to the previous profile screen.
.- Key for increasing speed. When pressed
during exercise this key will increase the speed of the
machine by one tenth of a kilometre per hour. The speed
will continue to increase as long as this button is being
pressed. During the selection of pre-programmed profiles,
it is used to move on to the next profile screen.
-enter.- Selection and validation key. This is used during
pre-programmed profile selection to select a profile,
confirm data that have been entered and to start the
exercise. It is also used during user profile programming
to confirm the exertion level settings for each minute.
-pause.- Pause key. If this is pressed during a session,
the exercise is interrupted and the exercise chronometer
is halted. To restart the exercise chronometer press the
pause key again or continue exercising. If, in pause
mode, you press the STOP key then the exercise will be
-stop.- Stop key. If this is pressed during the session, the
exercise will finish and the belt will stop. A summary of all
the exercise data will be displayed and it will then return to
the start screen.
-Incline V.- Decrease inclination key. When pressed
during exercise this key will decrease the level of
inclination by one degree. Inclination will continue to
decrease as long as this button is being pressed.
-Incline Λ.- Increase inclination key When pressed during
exercise this key will increase the level of inclination by
one degree. Inclination will continue to increase as long as
this button is being pressed.
-quick / start.- Quick start key. When this key is pressed,
provided that the LED on the key is flashing, exercise will
begin in manual mode after a 3 second countdown.
Switching the monitor on: Plug the mains cable, supplied
with the machine, into an electric mains socket, making
sure that the voltage is that stated for the machine and
that the socket is equipped with an earth connection Fig.B.
Next, set the switch (b) to position [1]. Fig.A.
Once the monitor is on it will display the profile and the
letter "M" for manual on the LED array (A) Fig.2, and the
welcome message on the bottom alphanumeric screen
By pressing the QUICK/START key the machine will start
in manual mode after a 3 second countdown at a speed of
2 km/h, by pressing the speed
can increase or decrease the speed settings. You can
also increase or decrease the speed settings by using the
numeric keys (G).
or speed – keys you