Select this item to back up the jobs and/or user settings.
Back up the jobs and/or user settings
Jobs Only
Back up jobs only
Users Only
Back up only the available user list using the option Item 809
Select this job to restore jobs and/or user settings previously saved on a USB pen drive.
Insert the pen drive into one of the two USB ports on the front panel.
Turn B and confirm Restore
Jobs Only (delete exisiting)
Jobs Only (overwrite exisiting)
Jobs Only (keeping exisiting)
Users Only
Export Weldments
A collection of information and data relating to the welds performed can be saved on a USB pen drive for archiving
and/or further processing by the end customer.
The data are exported in CSV format.
Turn B and select Backup.
Select the relevant option.
Select the relevant option.
Restore all jobs and user settings.
Restore jobs saved on the pen drive by deleting existing ones
Restore jobs saved on the pen drive by overwriting existing
Restore jobs saved on the pen drive, keeping the existing ones
Restore only the list of users (Item 809 VERIFICARE)