The control unit has a 24VAC power supply for
photocells with switch normally closed, and can
perform an operational test before to starting the
gate opening procedure.
The photocell can be used with two settings:
1. Photocell always active:
Intervention of the photocell during opening or
closing causes the gate to stop.
When the photocell restores, the gate re-opens
2. Photocell NOT active during opening:
Intervention of the photocell during opening is
Intervention of the photocell during closing
causes the gate to re-open completely.
Independently of the setting selected, when the
gate is paused while opening, the time count for
any automatic re-closure will only start after the
photocell restores.
• Connect the photocell transmitter power cables
between terminals L10 (GND) and L11 (+) on the
control unit.
• Connect the photocell receiver power cables
between terminals L10 (GND) and L9 (+) on the
control unit.
• Connect the photocell receiver output between
terminals L6 and L8 on the control unit.
The control unit has an input for controlling safety
edges; this input is capable of controlling standard
edges with switch normally closed and conductive
rubber edges with nominal resistance of 8.2 kOhms.
Edges can be used with two settings:
1. Edge always active:
Intervention of the edge during opening or
closing causes inversion of the direction of
movement in order to free the body that caused
the edge to intervene.
The gate stops after approx. 3 seconds.
2. Edge NOT active during opening:
Intervention of the edge during opening is
ignored. Intervention of the edge during closing
causes the gate to re-open completely.
Independently of the settings selected, any
subsequent automatic re-closure will be cancelled.
Standard edge with switch normally closed:
connect the edge cables between terminals L7 and
L8 on the control unit.
In order to satisfy the requirements of standard
EN12978, it is necessary to install safety edges with
a control unit which constantly monitors correct
operation. If control units are used with the option
of running tests by means of interrupting the power
supply, connect the control unit power supply cables
between terminals L10 (GND) and L11 (+).
Conductive rubber edge: connect the edge cables
between terminals L7 and L8 on the control unit.
PLEASE NOTE: operational testing on edges is
reserved for standard edges (only if equipped with
suitable control units).
DO NOT enable testing if conductive rubber
edges are used or standard edges used without
a suitable control unit for controlling function.
NOTE: use the special interface (code 35A024)
for connection of the optical bars, de-activating the
operational test on the bars.